
  • Your body talks Are you listening?
    Feb 11 2020
    As humans, we believe we will live forever. So it should come at no surprise when we begin feeling the effects of how we live. The body is a miracle in real time. Think about it. It houses our vital organs, it moves, it stretches, it produces other life and more. There’s so many things that we don’t know about it. There’s so much we can learn about how the body recovers from injuries, illnesses, and how it works to sustain our lifestyles. We all should know more about our bodies and how it works. Remember the human body is our temple. We should treat it with respect and listen to it when it tells us there’s something wrong. I know from experience that if you don’t listen to your body and take the appropriate action, it will let you know the impact of your decision. This episode is about listening to your body, determining what it needs to sustain a healthy lifestyle, the growing importance of self care and the tools and resources available to you.
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    56 min
  • The Fight To Vote
    Feb 4 2020
    For more than 100 years, the right to vote has been one of the most coveted acts in the United States. Today, every citizen has the right vote under the U.S. Constitution. The right to vote has been the one thing that differentiates the US from other countries. So why don’t we all do it? For African-Americans, this right was denied for many many years. People died for the right to vote. So why don’t we all do it? This episode discusses the African-Americans journey for the right to vote then and now. While there have been major strides, there is still much more work to be done. Do you vote? Join Karla as she explores why this is a fight that continues today and what we all can do to win.
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    56 min
  • Are You A Great Story Teller?
    Jan 28 2020
    The best communicators are good at telling stories. For these people, storytelling is an art form woven easily through communications. If you are a leader, then it is an essential tool that you may need to sharpen. Everyone can benefit from learning how to tell a story and how to incorporate it in your communications. A good story can enhance communication by showing samples, emphasizing differences or conflict, giving a better insight to a variety of people and more This episode provides tips to improve m/enhance your storytelling.
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    56 min
  • In Need Of The Courage To Lead
    Jan 21 2020
    We often talk about the qualities that leaders should have and how they should use their platform for good. There has been a lot of changes made by leaders to improve, to be better than their predecessors. Their is at least one quality that is a must for anyone wants to lead—courage. This episode discusses why having courage is so important and how that differentiates some leaders from others. Do you have what it takes to lead? Karla discusses what questions to ask yourself to help you think through this question. Anyone can have the title of leader, but not everyone who has the title or who may be in a leadership position can lead. This goes beyond the workplace and impacts us in our everyday lives. Are you the leader we need? Do you have what it takes?
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    56 min
  • Thriving with an illness
    Jan 14 2020
    Living has its own challenges when you’re well. When you’re living with an illness it has added complications and challenges that you probably didn’t consider before you became ill. You have to remember that you are not the illness or the illness is not you. There are always things that you can control, things you can do. This show discusses those things. In our last show, we discussed diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. Today we’re going to go a little deeper and talk about how to thrive living with those illnesses. What should you do when you become diagnosed with either illness. Where you can find resources. And what are some things you can do to live your best life.
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    57 min
  • From the Inside Out 01/07/20
    56 min
  • 365 Days Later-Are You Still Asking Why?
    Dec 31 2019
    I began this show asking you what was your life’s purpose. I shared stories with you of how others found purpose in their lives and what they are doing now. Case in point Mrs. Elmer Lucille Allen of Louisville, KY. This senior powerhouse is a chemist, an artist, social activist, mother, traveler, and more. She had a clear idea of what her purpose was and she pursued it whole heartedly and continues living a purpose driven life. Now we want to know what you found out and how you went about it. Karla shares her journey in answering this question and asks what’s next; where do we go from here?
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    56 min
  • Relax You Have Got This
    Dec 24 2019
    While the holidays bring such joy and happiness, it can also be the most stressful time of the year. Yes, you’ve been looking forward to spending time with family and friends, but as the time gets closer you can feel the stress building up in your body. Think about what happened last year —the argument with cousin Billy, or the roast was to dry, or your niece broke your favorite ornament. Now everybody’s coming over to your house and you’re wondering where can you go and hide. Relax, you’ve got this!!! This episode provides you with ways you can get through the holidays and have more fun.
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    56 min