Pond plants feature in this week's episode as Martin visits the award winning Lincolnshire Pond Plants. We've got tips for what to do with leeks in the kitchen and we're answering a few viewer/listeners' questions!
Questions answered:
How do you pronounce Gooseberry ? (and can I split a Gooseberry shrub?)
What to do with pots of seed grown asparagus
Should water butts be emptied at this time of year?
Why Martin doesn't always wear wellies
Videos we mentioned in the podcast:
Lincs Pond Plants @ Malvern
Propagate Fruit Bushes Hardwood Cuttings
Moving an Established Shrub
#gardening #podcast #planting #PondPlants
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The Pots & Trowels team:
Martin Fish
Jill Fish
Sean Riley
Find out more about Martin & Jill at martinfish.com
Find out more about Sean at boardie.com
Podcast produced by the team, edited by Sean, hosted by buzzsprout.com