• Announcement: Podcast Title Change | アナウンス~ポッドキャストのタイトル変更~
    Feb 22 2024

    "English with Kaya" will soon be renamed to the "Globetrotter Pod"! ポッドキャスト「English with Kaya」はもうすぐ「Globetrotter Pod」へタイトルを変更します!

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    7 mins
  • 43 - Denmark and Japan: More Similar Than We Think? Work, Education and Gender Relations in Denmark, with Louise Soerensen
    Feb 8 2024

    Louise Soerensen, today’s guest, is an International Coordinator at Peace Boat, seasoned traveler and intercultural communicator. She holds an MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Copenhagen University and an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from Malmo University in Sweden.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    decade = 10年間

    value = 価値(感)

    ignorant = 無知な

    billboard = 広告板

    outfit = 服装一式

    Nordic countries = 北欧諸国

    hybrid = ハイブリッド、混成物

    welfare state = 福祉国家

    contribute to ~ = ~に貢献する

    welfare = 福祉

    public sector = 公共セクター

    communism = 共産主義

    socialism = 社会主義

    private sector = 民間セクター

    private company = 民間企業

    under the guise of ~ = ~の振りをして

    equality = 平等

    Utopian = ユートピア的な、理想的な

    tax system = 税制

    earn = 稼ぐ

    competition = 競争

    strive = (~しよう)と努力する、(~しようと)骨折る

    boast = 自慢する

    ~ is frowned upon = ~は良しとされていない

    “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” =


    pursue = 追う、追求する

    fulfillment = 達成感

    individualism = 個人主義

    fundraise = 資金を調達する

    expenses = 出費

    tuition (fees) = 学費

    EU = European Union = 欧州連合

    breadwinner = 一家の稼ぎ手、大黒柱

    salary = 給料

    rights = 権利

    household chores = 家事

    flexible = 柔軟な

    fluid = 流動的な

    stay-at-home dad = 家事を専業とする夫

    parental leave = 育児休暇

    ingrained = 根深い、変え難い

    cohabitation = 同棲、共同生活

    attitude = 態度

    pension = 年金

    spouse = 配偶者

    gain = 得る

    financial = 財政上の

    legal = 法的な、法律上の

    emotional = 感情的な

    practical = 実践的な

    progressive = 進歩的な

    state = 国家

    biological = 生物学的

    conceive = 妊娠する(= become pregnant)

    fertility treatment = 不妊治療

    heterosexual = 異性(間)の

    same-sex = 同性(間)の

    adopt = ~を養子にする

    legalize = 合法化する

    surely = 確実に

    in that regard = その意味においては

    wrap up = 終わりにする、最後にまとめる

    gap year = 一年間の休学、ギャップイヤー

    disadvantage = 不利なこと、デメリット

    resume = 履歴書

    anthropology = 文化人類学

    orphanage = 孤児院

    humble = 謙虚な

    privileged = 特権のある、恵まれた

    caring = 思いやりのある

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    32 mins
  • 42 - BILINGUAL EPISODE | Back in Japan: Eat till you drop in Osaka! | 日本に帰国: 大阪で食い倒れ!
    Jan 28 2024

    Kaya talks about her impressions of Japan after coming back to Tokyo from Uzbekistan, her trip to Osaka, the local

    food culture in Kansai and cultural differences between Kansai (western Japan) and Kanto (eastern Japan).


    English: 0:00 ~ 27 min

    Japanese: 27:20 min ~ 56 min


    Today’s vocabulary:

    humanoid = 人間の形をした

    shelf / 複:shelves = 棚

    automated = automatic = オートマ化された

    DIY = Do It Yourself = 自分でやる、日曜大工の

    cashier = レジ係

    change = おつり

    UNIQLO = ユニクロ (Uniqlo is a clothing apparel company originally founded in Japan.)

    to what extent … = どの程度(まで)

    cashless society = キャッシュレス社会

    advanced = 高度な、進んだ

    literally = 文字通り

    cash = 現金

    appearance = 外見

    derive from ~ = ~に由来する

    entertainment facility = 娯楽施設、エンタメ施設

    blockbuster films = 大ヒット映画

    generation = 世代

    roughly = about = around = approximately = おおよそ、大体

    embody = 体現する、具体化する

    wand = (魔法の)杖

    recreate = 再現する

    atmosphere = vibe = 雰囲気

    overwhelmed = 圧倒された

    aquarium = 水族館

    marine animals = 海洋生物

    The Pacific Rim = 環太平洋

    chain = 鎖

    display = 展示(する)

    gourmet = グルメ

    yummy = tasty = delicious = scrumptious = mouthwatering = delectable = 美味しい

    wheat = 小麦

    flour = 小麦粉

    minced = みじん切りにした

    Takoyaki cooker = たこ焼き器

    deep-fried = 揚げ

    skewered = 串刺しの

    eggplant = ナス

    convey = 伝える

    aside from ~ = ~の他に、それに加えて、

    vaudeville = 軽喜劇

    a sense of humor = ユーモアのセンス

    inhabitant = 住民

    metropolitan city = 大都市

    country bumpkin = 田舎者

    figure out = find out = 把握する、気が付く

    derogatory term = 蔑称

    awkward = 不器用な、ぎこちない

    rustic = 田舎の、素朴な

    snooty = 横柄な

    laid-back = 気楽な

    approachable = 付き合いやすい

    shrine = 聖堂、神社

    photogenic = 写真映えする

    trail = 経路、小道

    bamboo = 竹

    weekday = 平日

    divine = 神聖な

    otherworldly = 異世界の

    indigenous = 現地の、土着の

    multiple = 多数の、多様の

    worldview = 世界観

    detachment = 分離、孤立

    grove = 小さな森、木立

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    56 mins
  • 41 - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Anti-Colonialism & A Hope For A Better Future with Dvorah Silverman
    Jan 13 2024
    Happy New Year! May 2024 bring you happiness, joy and success! In today’s episode, our guest Dvorah Silverman talks us through their perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ----- Guest speaker’s profile: Dvorah Silverman, M.A. (any/all) Equity • Research • Education  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dvorah-silverman-ma-130a7876/ Email: dvorahsilvermanconsulting@gmail.com  Website: https://dvorahsilverman.wixsite.com/my-site “Not in our name” in Yiddish = nit in aundzer nomen Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver Youth Bloc: @ijvyouthbloc ----- Links shared by Dvorah related to topics discussed in the episode: Christian Zionism 101: https://jewitches.com/en-ca/blogs/blog/christian-zionism-101  The Story of the Watermelon: https://beursschouwburg.be/en/events/khaled-hourani-the-story-of-the-watermelon/   Green Washing: Green Blue Deal Article (Jacobin): Israel's Settler Colonialism - Greenwashing, Eco-Normalization Visualizing Palestine - Gaza Water: Gaza Water: Confined and Contaminated Greenwashing in Palestine: Decolonize Palestine - Greenwashing Pinkwashing: Sa’ed Atshan’s : Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique Queering the Map: Queering the Map Instagram Rainbow-washing in Palestine: Decolonize Palestine - Rainbow-washing Arab Jews: Hadar Cohen's website: Hadar Cohen and Hadar’s Web Podcast PARCEO’s Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation: Antisemitism Curriculum Website  Instagram accounts to share:  Little Death Podcast: @littledeathpod  Dvorah’s public Instagram: @dvorahsilverman Queer Mikveh Project: @queermikvehproject Gliklekh in Goles: Anti-Zionist artist collective in Vancouver: @glikingoles ----- Today’s vocabulary: fundamentals = principles = 基礎、原理 guidance = mentorship = 指導 interconnection = 相互関係(作用) perpetuate = ~を永続させる disembodied = 実体のない crux = 核心、ポイント solidarity = 団結、結束 mentor = 指導者、指導教官 transformative = 変化させる力のある disconnected = 接続の切れた sense of self = 自意識 perspective = 視点、見解 ceasefire = 停戦 throughline = theme = 一貫したテーマ Zionism = シオニズム anti-Zionism = 反シオニズム anti-Semitism = 反ユダヤ主義 counter to ~ = ~に対抗する settler = 植民者 victimhood = 被害者意識 exploitation = 搾取 atrocities = 残虐行為 genocide = 大量虐殺 Christian Zionism = キリスト教シオニズム Benjamin Netanyahu (1949 ~) is an Israeli politician who has been serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021. ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ(1949年~)はイスラエルの政治家、2022年より同国首相、以前は1996~1999年と2009年~2021年に首相を務めた。 profound =(学識、考えなどが)深い confiscate = 没収する resistance = 抵抗 criminalization = 犯罪化 boast = 自慢する dehydration = 脱水症状 ongoing = 現在進行中の water crisis = 水危機 decapitate = (人)の首をはねる(切る) hostage = 人質 skeptical = 疑い深い、疑う instigate = ~を開始する、~を扇動する worsen = 悪化させる(する) condone = forgive = 許す treatment = 取り扱い、待遇 lineage = 血統、家系 normalization = 正常化
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    33 mins
  • 40 - The Aral Sea, An Adventure Travelogue -or- The Story of an Environmental Disaster
    Dec 31 2023

    Kaya talks about her travels to the Aral Sea and the social, economic and environmental history behind why this once enormous inland sea has shrunk so drastically since the 1960s.


    Link to the Aral Sea Tour:



    Today’s vocabulary:

    irrigate = 灌漑する

    irrigation = 灌漑

    draw = 引く

    shrink = 縮む、小さくなる

    cotton = 綿花

    industry = 産業

    conquer = 征服する

    fertile = 肥えた、肥沃な

    vast = massive = enormous = huge = gigantic = 広大な、巨大な

    plantation = 大農園

    primary producer = 主な生産者

    child labor = 児童労働

    criminal act = 犯罪行為

    financial compensation = 金銭的補償

    boycott = ~ボイコットする

    hut = 小屋

    polluted = contaminated = 汚染された

    fertilizer = 肥料

    hub = 拠点、中心

    shore =(海・湖・河の)岸

    shoreline = 海(湖)岸線

    coast = 沿岸、海岸(地帯)

    coastline = 海岸線

    deserted = 人っ子一人いない

    run-down = 荒廃した

    exploit = 搾取する

    consequence = result = outcome = effect = 結果

    affect = influence = ~に影響する

    desertification = 砂漠化

    sand storm = 砂嵐

    saline soil = 塩分を多く含んだ土壌

    crop = 収穫物

    shallow = 浅い

    divert = (進路・用途などを)転換する、そらす

    disaster = catastrophe = 大災害、天災、大惨事

    in its wake = after it = following it = その後に(で)

    in the wake of ~ = after ~ = as a result of ~ = ~の結果として、~の後に(で)

    devastating = destructive = 破壊的な

    autonomous republic = 自治共和国

    former = かつての、元の

    muddy = 泥の、ぬかるみの

    swerve =(人が)車のハンドルを急にきる、それる、カーブする

    alleviate = mitigate = 緩和する、和らげる

    plateau = 高原、台地

    level = flat = 水平な、平らな

    shrub = 低木、潅木

    lifeless plain = 生命のない平原

    audible = 聞き取れる

    horizon = 地平線

    otherworldly = 異世界の

    canyon = 深い峡谷

    enormity = 巨大さ

    cathartic = 精神浄化作用のある

    licensed hunters = 免許を持った狩人

    desolate = 荒廃した

    meddle = disturb = interrupt = 干渉する

    warning = 警告

    sparse = まばらな

    plentiful = abundant = 豊富な

    magnitude = 偉大さ

    tombstone = 墓石

    isolated = 孤立した

    surreal = シュールな、超現実的な

    deport = 強制追放する

    Zoroastrianism = ゾロアスター教

    convey = 伝える

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    54 mins
  • 39 - BILINGUAL EPISODE | Farm Stay in Uzbekistan & Tim Jackson’s “Post Growth: Life After Capitalism” | ウズベキスタンでファームステイ&ティム・ジャクソン著の『Post Growth: Life After Capitalism』
    Sep 5 2023

    Kaya talks about her farm stay experience in rural Uzbekistan, the woes of capitalism, and more.


    Instagram account of the Gijduvan Ceramics Museum:



    English: 0:00~44min

    Japanese: 44min~1hr25min


    Idioms of the day:

    Time flies when you’re having fun.

    I’m going to hit the sack/hay.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    province = 州

    remote = 遠く離れた

    sustainable = 持続可能な

    frugal = つましい、簡素な

    antonym = 対義語

    the burning of fossil fuels = 化石燃料の燃焼

    pure = 純粋な、澄んだ

    minimal = 最小(限度)の

    eco-friendly = 環境にやさしい

    cosmopolitan = 国際的な、都会的な

    urban areas = 都市部

    rural areas = 農村部

    extravagant = 贅沢な

    agricultural = farming = 農業の

    sack = 大袋

    process = 過程・加工する

    grip = grasp = 握力・しっかり握る、掴む

    grasp = understanding = 理解

    clasp = 握る

    collect = gather = 集める、収集する

    harvest = 収穫(する)

    crop = 作物、収穫物

    needless to say … = 言うまでもなく~

    livestock = domesticated animals = 家畜

    plot of land = 土地の一画

    symbiosis = 共存

    grateful = thankful = 感謝している

    WWOOF = World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms

    abbreviation = 略語

    physical labor = manual labor = 肉体労働

    rewarding = 有益な

    insomnia = 不眠症

    taxing = 負担となる

    digital detox = デジタル・デトックス

    electronic devices/gadgets = 電子機器

    flow = 流れ・流れる

    psychological = 心理的な

    infancy = 幼年時代

    toughness = 頑丈さ

    hay = 干し草

    barn = 納屋

    at breakneck speed = 猛スピードで

    light pollution = 光害

    stargazing = 星空観察

    numerous = たくさんの

    visible = 目に見える

    shooting stars = 流れ星

    villager = 村人

    consumerist = 消費主義的な

    capitalist = 資本主義的な

    “Post Growth: Life After Capitalism” (Tim Jackson)

    takeaway = ~から得られるもの

    vicious cycle = 悪循環

    insatiable greed = 飽くなき貪欲さ

    obese = 肥満の

    cancer = 癌

    exacerbate = worsen = 悪化させる

    virtuous cycle = 好循環

    desire = 強い願望・~を強く願望する

    consequence = result = outcome = 結果

    thrive = 繁栄する

    range = 範囲

    harsh = 厳しい

    frontline workers = 最前線の労働者

    collapse = 崩壊(する)

    contradictory = 矛盾した

    socialism = 社会主義

    communism = 共産主義

    dilemma = ジレンマ

    overcome = 克服する

    recover = recuperate = 回復する

    sprain = 捻挫(する)

    ceramics = 陶器

    artisan = craftsman = 職人

    herbal tea = ハーブティー

    monopoly = 専売

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • 38 - BILINGUAL EPISODE | Rafting & Humanity’s Relationship to the Cosmos in the Film "Solaris" | ラフティング体験&映画『ソラリス』における人類と宇宙の関係について
    Sep 1 2023

    Kaya talks about humanity’s relationship to the cosmos as presented in the film Solaris (1972).


    The full movie Solaris on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Z8ZhQPaw4rEsi=hCatacwkF3MTLJhp


    English: 0:00~1hr18min

    Japanese: 1hr18min~2hr34min


    Today's vocabulary:

    inflatable = 空気で膨らませられる

    oar =オール

    row = 漕ぐ

    violent = 激しい

    steep = 急な

    rough = 荒々しい、激しい、ざらざらした

    current = 水流、気流

    turn over = overturn = ひっくり返る・返す

    lush = 青々と茂った

    poplar = ポプラの木

    willow = 柳の木

    riverbank = 川岸

    greenery = 青葉

    soil = 土壌

    cliff = 崖

    fluffy clouds = ふわふわした雲

    puffy wool of sheep = 柔らかい羊毛

    two-thirds = 3分の2

    injured = 怪我した

    sprain an ankle = 足首を捻挫する

    casualty = 死傷者数(規模)

    plot = あらすじ

    space station = 宇宙ステーション

    orbit = 軌道

    investigate = 調査する

    mental problem = 精神的な問題

    astronaut = 宇宙飛行士

    atmosphere = 大気圏

    repressed memory = 抑圧された記憶

    consciousness = 意識

    obsession = 強迫観念

    pragmatic = 実践的な

    A slash B = A/B = A兼B

    embodiment = 具象(化)

    ex-wife = 元妻

    ex-husband = 元夫

    prior = before = 前に

    probe into = 調べる、探索する

    exist = 存在する

    etcetera = などなど

    convince = 確信させる・確信している

    illusion = 幻覚

    torment = ひどく苦しめる

    self-sacrifice = 自己犠牲

    brain waves = 脳波

    it is revealed that … = ~ということが明らかになる

    aghast = 仰天した

    bolts = 締めくぎ

    initially = in/at the beginning = 初めのうちは

    humane = 思いやりのある

    apparently = 見たところは~らしい

    tragic = 悲劇的な

    make the distinction between A and B = AとBを区別する

    attempt = 試み、努力・~を試みる

    ~ was in vain = ~は無駄だった

    disguise = 変装・偽装(する)

    Ludwig Boltzmann = ルードヴィッヒ・ボルツマン

    thought experiment = 思考実験

    void = 真空

    hallucinate = 幻覚を見る

    disconcerting = 当惑させる

    caricature = 風刺

    titular role = 題名人物の役・主役

    antagonist = 悪役

    paraphrase = 言い換える

    Schrodinger’s cat = シュレーディンガーの猫

    extension = 延長

    cosmos = the universe = 宇宙

    transcend = 超越する

    bust = 半身像

    nobleman = 貴族

    windmill = 風車

    premise = 前提

    peninsula = 半島

    the prodigal son = 放蕩息子

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    2 hrs and 34 mins
  • 37 - BILINGUAL EPISODE | Andrei Tarkovsky and the Dichotomy of the Modern Soul | アンドレイ・タルコフスキーと現代人の心の分裂
    Jul 14 2023

    Kaya talks about the great Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, his life, work and films.


    The full movie "The Mirror" on YouTube:



    English: 0:00~1hr17min

    Japanese: 1hr17min~2hr29min


    Today's vocabulary

    esoteric = 難解な

    artsy = 芸術的な

    intellectual = 知的な

    USSR = The Soviet Union = ソ連邦

    pass away = 他界する

    cancer = 癌

    conflict = 闘争、論争

    state film authorities = 政府の映画当局

    self-imposed exile = 自主亡命

    crew = 撮影スタッフ

    filmmaker = 映画監督

    weird = 変な、変わった

    metaphysical = 形而上学的な

    visual imagery = 視覚的なイメージ

    state of mind = 精神状態

    vibe = atmosphere = 雰囲気

    hypnosis = 催眠術

    hypnotic = 催眠術的な

    philosophical = 哲学的な

    emotional = 感情的な

    stir = かき立てる

    inexplicable = incomprehensible = 不可解な

    analyze = 分析する

    viewer = 視聴者

    interpret = 解釈する

    interpretation = 解釈

    ambiguity = 多義性、曖昧さ

    skeptical = doubtful = 懐疑的な

    skepticism = 懐疑的な態度

    relevant = 関連のある

    humanize = ~を人間らしくする

    dehumanize = ~の人間性を失わせる

    reactionary = 反動的な、反動主義者

    spiritual = 精神的な

    religious = 宗教的な

    mystical = 神秘主義的な

    psyche = 精神

    the natural world = 自然界

    elitist = エリート主義の

    trash = rubbish = ゴミ

    pessimistic = 悲観的な

    agnostic = 不可知論的な、不可知論者

    inherent = 本来備わった

    progress = 進歩

    transcend = ~を超越する

    overcome = ~を乗り越える

    depict = 描写する

    inner world = 内面の世界

    torn away = 引き裂かれた

    multiplicity = plurality = 複数性

    the material world = 物質的な世界

    holistic = 全体的な

    paranormal = supernatural = 超自然的な

    conceive = 考え出す

    infantilize = 子供扱いする

    childish = 子供っぽい

    sacred = 神聖な

    unification = 統合

    soul = 魂

    atheistic = 無神論(者)の

    despise = ひどく嫌う

    cult = カルト教団

    manipulate = 操る

    misuse = 誤用する

    arthouse film = アートハウス映画

    self-reflection = 内省

    immerse = ~に(完全に)浸す、浸る

    shun = 避ける

    portrayal = 描写

    notorious = 悪名高い

    affairs = 浮気

    disillusioned = 幻滅した

    demonize = 悪魔化する

    plot = あらすじ

    illusion = 幻想

    footage = (映画の)一場面

    stream of consciousness = 意識の流れ

    poignant = 強烈な、刺激的な

    vibrant = 明るく輝く

    nostalgic = 郷愁の

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    2 hrs and 29 mins