• Attunement = Being Present
    Feb 16 2025

    I received this email from a friend:

    “I recently watched the podcast Follow Him with Hank Smith and John Bytheway…. Their guest presenter…was Dr. Matt Townsend, who is a therapist. Many of the things he was saying reminded me of you and what you have shared about being present and communicating.”

    I wasn’t familiar with Dr. Townsend or the podcast, but I took the time to listen because I love Susan and know she cares about me.

    I'm no scholar so it was heartwarming and edifying to see how close I have come to what scholars have learned. I learned from hard experience and the tutoring of God, rather than in school. I was also privileged to work with a few hundred families and saw firsthand what I had learned as a mother. It’s amazing what I have gotten right based on what Dr. Townsend shared.

    He used a word I was unfamiliar with but found worth sharing – attunement.

    Join me today as we explore what the word Attunement means and how it can be helpful in connecting with our children.

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    7 mins
  • Lean Into Trust
    Feb 9 2025

    This is my birthday article. : ) I turn seventy-five today, February 9th. This article was suggested by a dear friend and is, frankly, very vulnerable. I have pondered whether to publish it or not, whether it would be of value to anyone. However, it's my birthday, and I can do what I want, right; even if it may be somewhat risky. 😊

    Today I am sharing my story about death, how it impacted me as a youth, in my marriage, and today. Join me as I share the ups and downs of learning to manage this story and how doing so has made my life manageable.

    If you are facing something difficult with an uncertain outcome, death, divorce, job loss, parenting issues, etc. join me as I show you ways to find a way to lean into trust.

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    13 mins
  • Serving and Recieving - Two Sides of the Same Coin
    Feb 2 2025

    In 2012, because of an experience, I decided to be more open to receiving help from others. Trust me when I say my progress has been slow! I’ve always prided myself on my independence, ingenuity, and ability to do whatever needs to be done. I have always felt confident in “doing it myself.” However, it’s a challenge to do everything by yourself, all the time, and you miss out on the other side of the coin, the value that comes from receiving. I’ve had to learn this the hard way.

    My inspiration to work on allowing others to share in my burdens came because of two people in my life that I loved, both with significant special needs. One was my unofficially adopted daughter, Michelle, in her thirties, and my granddaughter, Maggie. They both had cerebral palsy.

    Join me as I share their story and how it has affected me when it comes to serving and receiving. Your heart will be moved!

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    11 mins
  • Peaceful Intensity?
    Jan 26 2025

    My friend Livia read a book about Neal A. Maxwell. In the book, they used the phrase 'peaceful intensity' to describe how he managed his busy life. It’s a way of being that can be cultivated. It involves how we perceive what is happening in the moment. Maxwell said you can be busy but still function from a place of peace. As Livia and I talked I wondered, “How can those two words even go together?” I was intrigued by the idea and this unique phrase.

    This is becuase I've been experiencing this place of busy peace in the last few years. It happens when I have this thought, STOP and TURN. In other words, shift how you see what is happening. When I listen and follow the thought I manage better. Even if the pace doesn’t slow down, my heart does. Imagine how life would be if this was our way of being most of the time.

    Join me as I share what I have learned about living a life of peaceful intensity. I share two real-life experiences that will leave you wanting to know more.

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    10 mins
  • Nurture Your Child’s Love for Learning:
    Jan 19 2025

    This week’s article was written by an online friend of mine, Laura Pearson, who shared it with me via email. When I read her article, I realized that my daughter Jodie has incorporated many of these tips into her home and family life. They’ve been useful to my grands. Although they are all teens now, they have been using tools like these since they were in grade school.

    These tips will assist parents using regular school options, as well as those who homeschool. In both cases we want our children to be able to love and feel comfortable learning. Take a look, there may be resources you have missed that would help your children. You may also expand those resources you currently use.

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    9 mins
  • What Will 2025 Bring? It's Up To You!
    Jan 12 2025

    I’ve thought about how I want this year to feel, what I want to accomplish, and how I want to be. I read and reread my daily commitments (affirmations). I pondered what changes I should make. Was there anything I needed to add? The last two years have been challenging, as I have aged. It has been stretching and I've had to work to keep a positive attitude about building my life while fulfilling my mission of caring for my family.

    Here is the truth - you don’t stop building a life because you grow older or get busy; you stop building a life when you stop doing the things required to build a life. I didn’t want to go to that place. Hence, all the pondering and prayer. I could live another thirty years and I must decide what that will look like, as far as I can control. We can’t control all circumstances, but we can control our response to everything.

    Join me as I share some pivotal information that has helped me make a plan for 2025. They can help you do the same.

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    7 mins
  • A Simple and Peaceful Holiday Season
    Dec 8 2024

    In 2011 I wrote a three-part series of articles about a principle that helps families manage better. I must confess it’s a principle I still work on because it isn’t easy to keep. I know the stories and the principle are worth repeating because principles never change and when lived, they impact us for good. I’m compiling the three-part series into one article. That will keep it simple for you. LOL

    Join me as I share how making the intentional decision To Keep It Simple, helped us get what we needed and gave our family what they needed. It was a remarkable season. The sense of peace and joy came from doing less and not from doing it all. Our intentional efforts paid dividends and can do the same for your family.

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    12 mins
  • 12-1-24 If We Have Been Foolish, We Can Then Be Wise. It Is A Choice.
    Dec 1 2024

    Parenting is a place to learn to grow as a person. Seriously. : ) Even now, when I’m caregiving, rather than parenting, I experience examples of this type of growth. It always takes me off guard because I would like to think that in almost 75 years, I had gotten this growth thing handled. Silly, because learning and personal growth are a lifetime endeavor.

    Today I am being vulnerable and sharing one of these growth moments. I hope it brings a smile to your face and puts you in a thoughtful position about how you teach and communicate with your children. Join me as I share the importance of allowing ourselves to learn without berating ourselves and that when we do - when we error we can also restore.

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    9 mins