A conductor beloved by Australian audiences for nearly 50 years, Graham Abbott has conducted all the state symphony orchestras, most of our major opera companies, and many of our choirs. He’s also a well-respected broadcaster, most particularly for the ABC program Keys to Music, and has more recently developed a reputation as one of our premier music tour leaders. After many decades of waving his arms about, he’s decided that he will bring his conducting career to a close with a composer he has dedicated much of his career to and one of the most famous pieces of music ever written – Handel’s Messiah.
Graham shares his adoration of Handel and gives us an understanding of how he worked and where Messiah fits into his greater oeuvre. He talks of his love of radio broadcasting, and his role as a music tour leader. His skills in all these areas manifest themselves throughout the program through his musical selections.
Graham Abbott conducts Sydney Philharmonia Choirs for Handel's Messiah at the Sydney Opera House from 13-15 December.