Welcome back to From Ashes to Grace. I want to thank you again for your patience as I rework the podcast. I'm in the workings of deciding whether to keep the podcast title, cover art, and need to work on making all things related to it congruent across all social media and with my website.
Ultimately, my dream for my podcast and business is To help those who are end of life to have the most fulfilling and peaceful passing they can have. To help those who are grieving to heal and find hope again. And to help those of us who are realizing our mortality to live the best life we can now, so that we can avoid having the common regrets that those at the end of life often have.
For the next couple episodes, though, with Valentine's Day being next week, I want to focus on love. In this episode, we'll journey through uncovering love in all its forms amidst grief. Let's get to it.
Kristy's Contact Information:
FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com