In episode 9, we’re taking on one of the most sensitive topics that we’ve had thus far. Yup.. we’re getting into GRIEF, chile. We share some of our fondest memories of loved ones that we’ve lost and the unique processes we endure while grieving them. This was a pretty sad one but we all definitely found a bit of healing through this conversation, and we hope you all do too.
To anyone out there grieving right now, though you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet, remember to always be kind to yourself, extend grace to your process, and try your best to take comfort in knowing that the spirits of your loved ones live on forever through your love and memories. We love y’all deep.
This episode’s shameless plug goes out to Humanity Speaks! Our girl Phylicia, the founder and host, conducts wholesome interviews on the streets of Atlanta and gives her guests the space to share their stories and perspectives on various topics. Tap in on IG and TikTok @humanityspeaks_ to get into all of her positive, uplifting content!
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weeks’ topics and you’ll even be able to email in your own stories at for a chance to be featured on an upcoming episode!