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Join the Mind Your Practice Homework Club:
Homework Club is for every creative person who wants deadlines and accountability! I mean, who doesn’t want that? Each month you’ll get: homework handouts, bonus audio content, access to a private members-only IG account, and a webinar led by author and arts consultant Beth Pickens. Just $12/month through 2020.
Ok, let’s talk about your homework. First, honestly assess your relationship to asking for help, receiving it, and giving it out. Where is there imbalance? Do you ask but reject offers? Do you only give and refuse to ask? Do you tend to ask but are unwilling to offer? What do you do to avoid asking for help? Just simply notice what’s true for you these days.
Next, is my favorite kind of homework - making a list. Create an epic list of all the ways you can help another artist. Maybe you have some highly technical skills using equipment or software. Or you can listen deeply. Or you can proofread other artist's applications. Maybe you’re good at the internet. Start this list and keep adding to it all the ways you can help other artists in your world.
Next, another list, my favorite! Start a list of what you need help with. Get really specific where you can. Keep it vague where you need to. Keep adding to it every day.
Now, the hard part. Today, yes the very day on which you are listening to my voice, ask three people for three different things on your list. Ask them what they need from you. Start the energy exchange of giving and receiving support.
Let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear from you.
Mind Your Practice is produced by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. You can find out more about her practice at