Join me for happy hour with Brenna! After Brenna graduated from college, she took the leap and moved to Japan. The only problem is she accidentally broke the law. A new kind of alien tale for Paranoia Happy Hour!
Brenna’s Boo Club: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang
Brenna said it best in her written description to me: “It is, like all her books, a romance novel in which Boy meets Girl, Boy and Girl have lots of consensual, respectful, emotionally satisfying sex-- very graphically described, then Boy and Girl have Critical Misunderstanding, Boy and Girl resolve critical misunderstanding by achieving a deeper understanding of themselves resulting in clarity about how they can better relate to others, and then Boy and Girl live happily ever after.”
A romance trope you say? I’ll be picking up a copy from the library just after I finish rewatching Bridgerton.
Brenna’s Shares not Scares: Mental healthcare for children
It’s often overlooked and a vitally important part of children growing up to become well adjusted adults. Also, check out the Autism Society of Oregon! And, if you’re not in Oregon, there is likely a local organization doing work in this area.