Welcome back to another episode of the Life is Weird Podcast!!
Well y’all… we’ve made it to the end of Season 2. Can you believe it?? Chile, us neither!
To close things off on a lighter, happier note, we’re pivoting from last episode’s grief conversation to the topic of *healing*. We discuss all the different methods and phases of our personal healing journeys that we’ve found to be successful or that we’ve had to adjust, in order to properly address past troubles & traumas, and, ultimately, grow. One thing we know for SURE is that healing is not linear and is truly a learning curve. So we hope that you guys can learn some things through this conversation to aid in your own healing, because the gworls sure did!
We want to thank you all for your continued love and support throughout our journey with Life is Weird. We really and truly love y’all DEEP deep. Can’t wait to tap back in and get back to chatting with y’all in Season 3!!
-Xoxo, your gworls, Gabby, Kelsey, Queso, & Sage <3
This episode’s shameless plug goes out to Mantra Movements! Founder and wellness educator Armoni is based in the ATL area and teaches all how to start and stick to sustainable wellness routines. And if you’re looking to get your work out on too, she’s also a certified fitness trainer! So be sure to check her out and explore all of her services on IG @mantramovements.
Follow us on Instagram @LifeisWeirdPod to stay up to date with us!
We’ll be sharing lots of different content, including future weeks’ topics, and you’ll even be able to DM or email in your own stories at LifeIsWeirdPod1@gmail.com, for a chance to be featured on an upcoming episode!