Avis reads Chapter 1 of Henry Stephen Salt's A Plea for Vegetarianism. In the first chapter of this collection of essays, Salt advocates for the adoption of a vegetarian lifestyle based on ethical, health, and environmental considerations. A fervent advocate for animal rights, Salt co-founded the Humanitarian League in 1891, promoting kindness to animals and opposing blood sports. He is considered a pioneer of animal rights.
Digital book Henry Stephen Salt’s A Plea for Vegetarianism: https://archive.org/details/pleaforvegetaria1886salt/page/n1/mode/2up
Another link to the digital book version OF Henry Stephen Salt’s A Please for Vegetarianism: https://www.mkgandhi.org/ebks/plea-for-vegetarianism.pdf
Earthing Ed’s book How to Argue With a Meat Eater (I am not an affiliate): https://www.amazon.com/s?k=how+to+argue+with+a+meat+eater&crid=DKR5MXWZSDOK&sprefix=how+to+argue+with+a+%2Caps%2C278&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_20
Music: Dalai Llama Rides a Bike by Javier “Peke” Rodriguez. Bandcamp: https://javierpekerodriguez.bandcamp.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QuyqfXEKzrpUl6b12I3KW
Get the Books! The Pedro the Water Dog Saves the Planet book series can be found at AvisKalfsbeek.com or at your favorite online bookseller.
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(One More Year, Book 1 of the Pedro the Water Dog Saves the Planet, on Audio)