Welcome back to Higher Density Living, a podcast exploring consciousness and the human experience. I'm Alexander McCaig, joined by my co-host Jason Rigby.
Today, we're diving deep into the concept of human potential, inspired by the work of scientist and author Greg Braden. Braden warns us that we're in a pivotal moment in history, a battle for our humanness. This battle is not just about our physical existence but also our connection to something far greater within each of us.
We explore the idea that our true potential lies in being human, something we haven't fully unlocked yet. We discuss the potential of our consciousness, spirit, and physical abilities, often overlooked in our pursuit of material and technological advancements.
Braden emphasizes our ability to transcend perceived limitations and tap into extraordinary powers encoded in our DNA, such as creativity, intuition, and healing. We delve into the concept of self-healing and how we can harness our inner power to accelerate the healing process.
A key theme we explore is the distraction posed by technology and other external forces that disconnect us from our inner power. We discuss the dangers of prioritizing technological advancements over our own evolution and the importance of self-awareness and self-responsibility.
We examine the ancient esoteric teaching that the only difference between angels in heaven and angels on Earth is the angels in heaven are aware that they are angels. This highlights the importance of self-belief and recognizing our own divinity.
We discuss the concept of a 'birthright' - our inherent right to divinity and the importance of self-discovery and pursuing spiritual growth. We use the metaphor of a candle to represent the limited time we have in this physical form and the importance of prioritizing our spiritual evolution.
We also touch on the idea of service to others and how it aligns with our higher selves and the pursuit of unity consciousness. We emphasize the importance of recognizing the cyclical nature of life and death and overcoming the fear of death.
We close the episode with a reminder that our purpose is to learn and grow, and by focusing on our own refinement, we passively teach others. We encourage listeners to recognize the feedback mechanism of life and embrace the journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
We also ask our listeners to subscribe to our YouTube channel and support Higher Density Living. We appreciate your engagement and commitment to exploring these profound topics with us.
Thank you for tuning in to Higher Density Living. We'll catch you on the next episode!