“Is technology bringing my family together or pushing my family apart?”
Technology is such an integral part of society that it can worm its way into our lives without much notice - but if we really ponder this question, are we content with our answer? Today, Jim welcomes Dr. Alice Benton back to the show with an insightful Q&A all about our digital use as families. Dr. Alice is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in Parent Support & Training, Health & Wellness, and Trauma Recovery. Throughout this conversation, Jim poses some of the most common questions parents have about screen use.
Special Note:
Check out the timestamps below for specific questions asked, and be sure to contact HomeWord if you have a question you want answered on the show!
Questions in this Episode:
[6:53] What do I do when my child says ‘I’m the ONLY one who doesn’t have a smartphone!’?
[8:47] When does screen time become harmful to kids?
[11:00] How do you find the compromise on-screen use when one parent is a screen-enabler and one is a screen-limiter?
[13:08] What do you say to the single mom/single parent who is trying to implement screen boundaries and their ex is going against or ignoring those boundaries?
[17:28] What do you think about GPS monitoring on a child’s phone/device?
[19:28] What do you do when a child is addicted to their screen?
[23:52] What do you do when your child is caught looking at porn?
[26:44] “My spouse is addicted to porn. What do I do?”
Listen to Jim’s first episode with Dr. Alice Benton here: Episode 9: Daily Conversations for Screen Management
HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/
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Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/
HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905
Send HomeWord a question: info@homeword.com
Dr. Alice Benton Website: https://dralicebenton.com/
New Life Live: https://newlife.com/broadcasts/
Daily Conversations for Screen Management Course: https://dr-alice-benton-university.teachable.com/p/digital-parenting-daily-conversations
Digital Parenting Conversations Course: https://dralicebenton.com/digitallybalancedparenting
Understanding and Loving Your Children in a Screen-Saturated World: https://a.co/d/8bO4XzJ
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