“Take hold of my instructions. Don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” ~Proverbs 4:13
Hi Neighbor,
How can adoptive parents be okay even if their kids aren’t? May I suggest you hold on to an anchor.
In this episode, I’ll consider a concept I call an ”anchor point,” which involves anchoring yourself in biblical principles to find guidance and peace during challenging times.
I’ll also share a story from our private community, where an adoptive parent courageously shared their struggles, and how the support and encouragement they received became a beacon of hope.
In your Daily Doable, we’ll look at practical ways to hold on to your anchor points with an example from the book of Philippians.
We’ll also consider why it’s important to strengthen your adoptive parenting journey by connecting with a community that understands you.
Remember, you are not alone in your journey. Whether it’s through community support or grounding scripture, there are anchors ready to guide you through the storm.
Anchors of hope and Healing are on the way. Your Neighbor, Tim
P.S. You’re not alone in this journey. If you haven’t already joined our private community, consider this an invitation. It’s a safe space to share your struggles and triumphs with fellow adoptive parents who truly understand what you're going through.
Listen to today’s episode and share it with fellow adoptive parents. These conversations foster strength and understanding in our community. Be the anchor others may need right now.