The quiz this week will cover the following:
Tim is wearing a fancy shirt; Todd can’t let it go, Fitz (Fitzgerald) and Ziggy (Zizyphvs) are cats; the comfort of crocs; Tarantino’s Audio Voltron; when clients don’t cancel their weekly appointments; Tim’s fear of demon children; The MansPlainNation recording & editing process; Looking at the same map but seeing different routes; fix it in the edit; todd throws todd under a limb; two hour conversation to find out Tim’s sexuality; Tim has a written statement; Tim finds a new audio fascination; Lack of Communication and Lying; What did David Henry David Thoreau say?; SCRUM or AGILE Marriage Management; Todd explains the concept of “gay for stay”; Pop Culture Detective; Captain Marvel
Tim’s Shirt:
Pop Culture Detective, Sexual Assault for Laughs:
Tim’s Favorite Article about Captain Marvel:
Ziggy the Cat: