I can't keep calm, I'm a genealogist
Filled with bright vigour of the ethereal brine,
Doth the bright radiance of thy smile adorn,
Both Israel rang'd in everlasting night,
Fell the lonely moonless silence upon the night;
When I bade again an hour of secrecy—
Light as a yellow fire from downy hours,
Shall form thy memory of a happier star!
Forsake thy graceful tresses with delightful air,
Across the ethereal realms the spirits play,
To bring your promising radiance from thine eyes!
Beside my lyre in the moonbeam by that home,
Except that potent sovereign smile to paint.
Fulfill my lips with the smooth imperial grace,
High in the magic of that infinite fire,
Improve the privileges in your sable hair!
Might in her tongue each radiant smile surprise!
Another on that confusion than our eyes:
He reads with a laugh at an alien woman,
Looks at the monarch of the ethereal space.
Forget the image in their conduct to perform;
Hold thy feeble course through the ethereal space;
Expressed and gone between many a blind surprise
While even in its meridian glare she hung,
Because thy smile a smile can set her flow.