• Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape

  • Jan 7 2025
  • Length: 14 mins
  • Podcast

Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-07-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek, Eva a Jana sa vybrali na zimu do Foggy Swamp.En: Marek, Eva and Jana set out for the winter to Foggy Swamp.Sk: Marek bol vášnivý turista, rád chodil po prírode.En: Marek was a passionate hiker, he loved walking in nature.Sk: Dnes chcel uniknúť stresu z práce.En: Today, he wanted to escape the stress of work.Sk: Marek bol presvedčený, že jeho zdravie je perfektné.En: Marek was convinced that his health was perfect.Sk: Veril si.En: He was confident.Sk: Mlha bola hustá.En: The fog was thick.Sk: Stromy boli staré.En: The trees were old.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný a vonial borovicami.En: The air was cold and smelled of pine.Sk: Cesta bola klzká.En: The path was slippery.Sk: Eva a Jana išli vpredu.En: Eva and Jana walked ahead.Sk: Marek kráčal pomaly za nimi.En: Marek walked slowly behind them.Sk: Zrazu pocítil ostrú bolesť v hrudi.En: Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.Sk: Bola silná, prišla nečakane.En: It was strong and came unexpectedly.Sk: Zastavil sa.En: He stopped.Sk: Skúsil to ignorovať.En: He tried to ignore it.Sk: Povedal si, že je len unavený.En: He told himself he was just tired.Sk: Pokračoval ďalej.En: He kept going.Sk: Eva sa otočila.En: Eva turned around.Sk: "Marek, si v poriadku?En: "Marek, are you okay?"Sk: " spýtala sa.En: she asked.Sk: "Áno, áno," odpovedal Marek, aj keď si nebol istý.En: "Yes, yes," Marek replied, even though he wasn't sure.Sk: Bolesť sa zhoršovala.En: The pain worsened.Sk: Začal sa potiť, cítil závrat.En: He started sweating and felt dizzy.Sk: Hmla sa zdala byť hustejšia.En: The fog seemed to thicken.Sk: Ešte raz sa zastavil.En: He stopped once more.Sk: Cítil, že niečo nie je v poriadku.En: He felt that something wasn't right.Sk: Marek sa snažil dýchať zhlboka.En: Marek tried to breathe deeply.Sk: Ale bolesť ho neopustila.En: But the pain did not leave him.Sk: Vedel, že musí niečo urobiť.En: He knew he had to do something.Sk: Zavolal na Evu a Janu.En: He called out to Eva and Jana.Sk: "Musím požiadať o pomoc," povedal potichu.En: "I need to ask for help," he said quietly.Sk: Jana rýchlo vytočila číslo záchrannej služby.En: Jana quickly dialed the emergency number.Sk: O chvíľu neskôr Marek počul zvuk helikoptéry.En: A moment later, Marek heard the sound of a helicopter.Sk: Evu a Janu sledovali, ako ho záchranári zdvíhajú na nosidlách.En: Eva and Jana watched as the rescuers lifted him onto a stretcher.Sk: Marek vedel, že je v bezpečí.En: Marek knew he was safe.Sk: V nemocnici sa dozvedel, že je dôležité starať sa o svoje zdravie.En: In the hospital, he learned that it is important to take care of one's health.Sk: Uvedomil si, že fyzická kondícia nie je všetko.En: He realized that physical fitness is not everything.Sk: Musí byť pokorný a pripravený priznať si zraniteľnosť.En: He must be humble and ready to admit his vulnerability.Sk: Uvedomil si, že zdravie zahŕňa i starostlivosť o srdce.En: He realized that health also includes taking care of the heart.Sk: Keď sa vrátil domov, Marek poďakoval Eve a Jane za ich pomoc.En: When he returned home, Marek thanked Eva and Jana for their help.Sk: Vedel, že jeho pohľad na zdravie sa zmenil.En: He knew that his perspective on health had changed.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že sa bude viac venovať celkovej starostlivosti o seba.En: He decided that he would pay more attention to overall self-care.Sk: Bol vďačný za lekciu, ktorú mu Foggy Swamp dal.En: He was grateful for the lesson that Foggy Swamp had given him. Vocabulary Words:passionate: vášnivýhiker: turistaescape: uniknúťstress: stresuconvinced: presvedčenýthick: hustáair: vzduchslippery: klzkásharp: ostrápain: bolesťchest: hrudiunexpectedly: nečakaneignore: ignorovaťtired: unavenýworsened: zhoršovalasweating: potiťdizzy: závratthicken: zhustnúťrealized: uvedomil sivulnerability: zraniteľnosťemergency: záchrannej službystretcher: nosidláchhospital: nemocnicifitness: kondíciahumble: pokornýgrateful: vďačnýperspective: pohľadoverall: celkovejself-care: starostlivosť o sebalesson: lekciu
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