Welcome back to another episode of the Life is Weird Podcast!! As you can tell by the title, the conversation’s getting pretty real & deep this episode. Yup, we’re talking about mental health… men’s mental health, to be specific. We’re joined by our guests Miles and Ju, as they share their perspectives from the scope of a millennial and a Gen-Z Black man. From coping mechanisms, to expressing mental woes to their fellow men, to the roles women play in all the stigmas, we’re covering a whole lot in this one! We hope you enjoy and learn some things from this much needed discussion. Take care of yourselves everyone! ~~~ This episode’s shameless plug goes out to one of our guests on this week’s episode, Ju! If you’re in the Atlanta area and are looking for a fire photographer/videographer, get at our guy on IG @vizualsbyjmac ! ~~~ Follow us on Instagram @LifeisWeirdPod to stay up to date with us! We’ll be sharing future weeks’ topics and you’ll even be able to email in your own stories at LifeIsWeirdPod1@gmail.com for a chance to be featured on an upcoming episode!