Dr Kat Fish – Client Story Kat is a Research Fellow at The University of Sheffield. When Kat was diagnosed with endometriosis, she often employed the push through and reactive approach to work, but this came at a cost. When she was diagnosed with a second chronic health condition ME, this strategy (and others she had tried) were no longer working effectively. Her intention for coaching was to find a sustainable way of working in academia with her conditions. As with any chronic health condition, it is a unique journey for that individual. In this episode we talk about: The major insights she gained from our sessions including a particular pertinent conversation with her Perfectionist on the bathroom floor. Making the shift from time to energy management, employing ruthless prioritisation, saying no gracefully, and asking for what you need. Including research from Cal Newport’s book Deep Work. Learning how to flex leadership styles to get the result with minimum energy consumption. Connect with Kat https://www.linkedin.com/in/katfishbiofilms/ Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/ Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women': https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intentional-Careers-STEM-Women-confidence-ebook/dp/B0CGXRNFZ3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ROKZ7OEFHC64&keywords=intentional+careers+for+stem+women&qid=1693918605&s=books&sprefix=intentional+careers+for+stem+woemn%2Cstripbooks%2C66&sr=1-1 Connect with Hannah https://hannahnikeroberts.com/ www.linkedin.com/in/hannahrobertscoaching www.facebook.com/drhannahroberts X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR Instagram @drhannahroberts