On this episode of Minor Issues, Mark Thornton examines the relentless attacks on Amazon, from labor disputes to environmental concerns. Is Amazon truly exploiting workers, or is the unionization push just a case of economic envy? Mark dissects the claims, debunks myths about wages and working conditions, and explores the economic realities behind one of the world’s biggest employers. Tune in for a straightforward breakdown of Amazon’s labor battles and the broader implications for business and workers alike.
"Your Kids Are Already Communists, and College Will Make It Worse" (Minor Issues Podcast): Mises.org/MI_89
"Criticism of Amazon" (Wikpedia): Mises.org/MI_109_A
Murray Rothbard's 99th birthday is March 2. The Mises Institute is celebrating with its "Murray99" campaign. Everyone who donates $26 or more using the Mises.org/Murray99 link will receive a copy of Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure and Nations by Consent. The first 26 donors will also receive a Rothbard lapel pin. All donations will fund student scholarships.
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