In this episode James will complain about Ender and company not taking is gaming ideas seriously. They will give you updates on all of the events that happened over the week. (End of no trader, 30% off event). And the main topics this week will be around how they feel about if the game wipes soon and if the new changes to combat RMT (Real Money Trade) are good for the game or not. But mostly this episode is Jame complaining. =) // ABOUT US The SCAV Report Podcast is our weekly show on all things Escape from Tarkov and any other big current events in gaming. Ender and James look to bring you alone in there journey in learning this EFT. TALENT: Ender - James - Follow us on YOUTUBE @ Join our Discord and help us start a brand new community: // CONTACT US Want to get in touch with us to share a story? Have a business inquiry? Want to be apart of our team at Last Choice Network? Email us at: