Broom making might not be a craft you hear about every day, but today, we’re introducing you to Jamie Dun, a passionate maker who’s one of few who is bringing this timeless skill back to life in the UK. Originally from Montana, Jamie moved to the UK and found herself struggling to find a high-quality, handmade broom for her 180-year-old house. Not wanting to settle for another plastic broom, she started to teach herself the craft and has now started her own business selling them here in the UK with the aim to teach others! WANT TO SUPPORT THIS PODCAST? Head over to and pick up a copy of our printed publication. Filled cover to cover with amazing makers from Around the world. We Are Makers Insta: @weare_makers Website: Jamie Dun Insta: @bristol.broomworks Website: _______________________ Recorded on: Nomono Insta: @nomonosound Website: