January 2025 + Capricorn Deep Dive | Myths of Structure
Today Cory and shea in the catskills explore the embodied experience of Capricorn, and delve into the less-talked about expressions of that zodiac sign. Especially as Saturn (planetary ruler of Capricorn) spends its last months in Pisces and comes into a landscape-shifting square with Jupiter on Christmas Eve, they consider the mystical nature of the “threshold dwellers,” of which Saturn is the ultimate. It’s said to have its joy in the 12 th house of the excommunicated, the sequestered and the sublime. In the last third of the episode Cory takes a through a brief forecast of January, and the big transits of 2025.
Topics include:
The experience of the sun, moon, and Mercury in Capricorn and its relationship to Cancer
Redefining goals, accomplishment, success, and security
Elders and Crones
The gross, vulgar and unpredictable nature of reality vs. the manicured, organized, and codified
How capitalism changed our relationship and understanding of Capricorn
Top-down structures vs. collaboratively-built structures
Capricorn as mystical, feminine chaos and the sublimation of that power
Capricorn as symbolized by Pan, god of the wild and the Devil card in tarot
The suit of pentacles in tarot and other images that correspond with Capricorn
New offerings for 2025
A tarot pull for the winter solstice
and Death
Book a consultation or chart interpretation workshop with Cory
Newsletter sign up https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/2JNX43D
Book a session with shea https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/
Book a reading with shea + Cory https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/the-correspondence
Register for Venus Retrograde workshop https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/beyond-love-And-strife
Chronogram horoscopes https://www.chronogram.com/horoscopes/astrology-report-for-
Astrology 101 https://www.chronogram.com/category/astrology-101-21375447
The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter
The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram
The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram