Jawaharbhata!- Balwant Farwali ਜਵਾਰਭਾਟਾ! - ਬਲਵੰਤ ਫ਼ਰਵਾਲੀ Jawaharbhata! Is a beautiful Punjabi short story written by famous Punjabi writer Mr. Balwant Farwali who is worldwide renowned for his contribution to Punjabi literature. The story revolves around a married couple who desire to have children but some or the other way things are not working out for them. As the time pass, the event start blaming each other for being medically unfit, which ultimately depresses there relationship as well. The listeners of the story would pass through a set of emotions which they would have never felt before while listening to the beautiful story which is very much relevant in modern Times. The cover art of this audiobook has been made by Artist Gurdish Pannu and Dr. Ruminder has given voice to this punjabi short story. #punjabipodcast #famouspodcast #emotionalstory #moralstory #trendingpodcast #lifemotivation #trendingshortstory #motivational #trendingaudiobooks #punjabishortstories #listenaudiobooks #artistgurdishpannu #lifestyle #viral #videos #trending #trendingonspotify #life #audiolibrary #story #punjabiaudiobooks #punjabi #punjab #shortstories #punjabifolk#popularstories #famous #audiobook #punjabiculture #family #punjabimaaboli #motherhood #punjabistories #writer #punjabibooks #punjabiculture #ਪੰਜਾਬੀ #punjabifolk