In this sixth interview episode of Surviving Opioids, I talk to Jen Wylde, host of the Sober Exposure podcast.
Jen is a national rock radio personality who struggled with addiction throughout her entire life. She fell into a career filled with sex drugs and rock n roll and after years of trying to get sober, finally had enough when she overdosed in 2018 in front of her son. She's now three years sober, works in the treatment industry and carries the message of recovery to anyone in need.
This episode is packed full of great topics. Jen and I talk about her story, what it was like growing up idolizing rock stars and that lifestyle, how alcoholism can spiral out of control, what it takes to finally get sober, 12-step fellowships, how to stay fit in your 50s, Reiki crystals, and a lot more!!
Follow Jen on Instagram at soberexposure_podcast or check out her show on Spotify or iTunes.
You can also watch the full video of this episode on YouTube.
Follow me on Instagram at ReactionRecovery for more daily content.
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