Jesus Is Mocked
Matthew 27:27-31
Before Christ was crucified, He was chastised severely. He had already been through a similar experience after the religious trial. Now His body takes on more suffering after Pilate’s trial.
Chastising was usually done as a preliminary to capital punishment, but here it was part of Pilate’s subtle scheme to release Christ. In Luke 23:16, Pilate is recorded as saying he would “chastise him [Christ] and release him.” Pilate was not chastising Christ in preparation for capital punishment but to satisfy the cruel appetite of the mob. He apparently thought the sight of the suffering would mitigate their cruel desires, but he miscalculated, for the sight of a bloodied Christ only sent the mob into a more clamorous call for His death, for “when the chief priests . . . and officers saw him [in the bloodied condition from the chastising], they cried out . . . Crucify him, crucify him” (John 19:6).
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