Show notes:
Joe’s Twitter | Joe's Mastodon
Rich's Twitter | Rich's Mastodon
Kube Cuddle Twitter
Developers, developers, developers
The Kubernetes Documentary: Part 1 | Part 2
Brendan Burns | Craig McLuckie
Dark Side of the Ring
LXC | BSD Jails | Solaris Zones
Tim Hockin | lmctfy
Docker in dev vs prod meme
Joe’s slides from his 2014 Gluecon talk
Kelsey’s Tetris talk (a later version than the one I saw)
go fmt | Rubocop
Bryan Liles | Naadir Jeewa | Kris Nova
kubectl apply and the 3 way diff
Leigh Capili’s talk on auth and RBAC
Bonus link: Joe sent me this on Twitter after the interview, some notes he wrote on what a production stack should look like, from 2015.
Listener questions from Bill Mulligan, Bryan Liles, Thomas Güttler, Ross Kukulinski, and Saim Safdar. Thank you!
Episode Transcript
Logo by the amazing Emily Griffin.
Music by Monplaisir.
Thanks for listening.
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