
  • 354 - July 5, 2024 - The Knight and the Rebel, Poison Study
    Jul 6 2024

    📘 Finishing "The Knight and the Rebel":

    I'm thrilled to share that I've completed the draft of "The Knight and the Rebel," book 3 in the Ravenglass Legends series. Reaching the end of a draft is always a significant moment, filled with a mix of relief and excitement as I begin to look ahead to the editing phase and eventually sharing this story with you all.

    📚 Reading "Poison Study" by Maria V. Snyder:

    This week, I enjoyed delving into Maria V. Snyder's "Poison Study," an engaging and beautifully crafted novel that captivates from the first page. It's always refreshing to get lost in such a well-written story, and it's provided some wonderful inspiration.

    🎤 Glastonbury Highlights:

    Catching up on this year's Glastonbury festival has been a delight. I especially enjoyed performances by Alvvays, LCD Soundsystem, James Blake, PJ Harvey, and James. Each artist brought their unique style to the stage, making for an eclectic and enjoyable musical experience.

    As I transition from writing to revising "The Knight and the Rebel," and reflecting on the creative energies from Glastonbury and "Poison Study," I am reminded of the vibrant and diverse world of art and expression. I'm eager to bring these influences into my future work.

    Feel free to share your recent creative milestones, thoughts on "Poison Study," or your favorite performances from Glastonbury. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into my author's life and the ongoing journey through storytelling!

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    8 mins
  • 353 - June 30, 2024 - The Knight and the Rebel, The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu, music
    Jun 29 2024

    Dive into this week's Author Diary as I share exciting progress on my latest writing project, revisit a favorite novel, and indulge in musical creativity.

    📖 Progress on "The Knight and the Rebel":

    This week, I've reached an important milestone in "The Knight and the Rebel" (Ravenglass Legends book 3), hitting the midpoint of Maja's POV. It's a pivotal moment that's both challenging and thrilling, as it shapes the direction of the story and deepens the narrative layers.

    🎸 Rediscovering Music:

    Alongside writing, I've been reconnecting with my musical side, playing music and writing songs. Returning to this creative outlet has been refreshing and invigorating, providing a wonderful balance to my literary endeavors. The joy of crafting melodies and lyrics reminds me of the interconnectedness of all creative expressions.

    📺 & 📚 From Screen to Page:

    I've just finished watching "The Three-Body Problem" on Netflix and decided to revisit the novel by Cixin Liu. Watching the adaptation brought new insights and perspectives, compelling me to dive back into Liu's intricate universe in the book. It's fascinating to compare the visual and textual interpretations of such a complex story.

    As I balance writing, music, and reading, I'm reminded of the richness that diverse creative practices bring to my overall artistic journey. I look forward to seeing how these varied influences will weave into my future projects.

    Share your experiences with balancing different creative outlets, or your thoughts on "The Three-Body Problem," either the series or the book. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author's life and explorations in storytelling!

    #TheKnightAndTheRebel #RavenglassLegends #CreativeWriting #AuthorDiary #MusicAndWriting #ThreeBodyProblem #CixinLiu #NetflixSeries #BookvsSeries #CreativeJourney

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    6 mins
  • 352 - June 23, 2024 - Ravenglass Legends, Three Body Problem, Art of Darkness
    Jun 22 2024

    📘 7-Year Anniversary of "Wizard of the Wasteland":

    This week marks seven years since the launch of my debut post-apocalyptic novel, "Wizard of the Wasteland." Reflecting on this journey fills me with gratitude for the experiences and growth it has brought me. Celebrating this milestone reminds me of how far I've come and the incredible support from readers like you.

    📺 Watching "Three Body Problem" on Netflix:

    I've started watching the new Netflix sci-fi series "Three Body Problem," based on the novel by Liu Cixin. The adaptation dives deep into the complexities and existential themes of the original book, and it's been fascinating to see how the intricate narrative translates on screen.

    🖋️ Progress on "The Knight and the Rebel":

    In writing news, I've begun working on the second POV in "The Knight and the Rebel," book 3 of the Ravenglass Legends series. This new perspective is adding layers and depth to the story, and I'm excited about the directions it's taking.

    📚 Looking Ahead:

    As I continue to develop "The Knight and the Rebel," I'm also starting to outline future projects and exploring where to steer my creative energies next. The journey of writing never stops, and each new project brings its own set of challenges and discoveries.

    I'd love to hear how you celebrate your creative milestones, your thoughts on "Three Body Problem," or what projects you're currently working on. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author's life and the worlds I'm creating!

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    13 mins
  • 351 - June 16, 2024 - Guild of Assassins, Mr. Bungle
    Jun 15 2024

    Welcome to this week’s Author Diary, where I share the exciting launch of "Guild of Assassins" and delve into some musical escapades that provided a refreshing change of pace from writing.

    📘 "Guild of Assassins" Launch:

    This week was a milestone event with the launch of "Guild of Assassins." Launch days are always exhilarating, filled with anticipation and excitement as the book finally makes its way to readers. Thank you to everyone who has supported the journey—your enthusiasm makes all the hard work worthwhile!

    🎸 Rocking Out with Mr. Bungle:

    In a thrilling switch from my usual routine, I attended a Mr. Bungle concert in Manchester. Experiencing their unique blend of music live was an absolute blast and a great way to recharge creatively.

    🎶 Jam Session:

    Additionally, I spent some quality time playing music with a friend. We laid down the foundations for a couple of new songs, tapping into a different vein of creative expression. Writing music offers a wonderful outlet and complements my literary endeavors beautifully.

    While this week took a brief hiatus from writing, the experiences have provided new inspiration and energy, which I'm excited to bring back into my writing soon.

    I’d love to hear about your experiences with balancing creative outlets or any recent adventures in music or reading. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into my author's life and creative explorations!

    #GuildOfAssassins #BookLaunch #MrBungle #LiveMusic #Songwriting #AuthorDiary #CreativeBreak #MusicInspiration #WritingHiatus #CreativeJourney

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    3 mins
  • 350 - June 9, 2024 - Guild of Assassins, Punks Versus Zombies, Wyvern Rider
    Jun 8 2024

    Join me in this week’s Author Diary as I gear up for the exciting launch of "Guild of Assassins," dive into some captivating reading, and continue my work on ongoing projects.

    📘 Preparing for "Guild of Assassins" Launch:

    The launch of "Guild of Assassins" is just around the corner, and preparations are in full swing. This phase is always thrilling as everything starts coming together—from final edits to marketing strategies. I'm eager to share this new installment with you all and hope it captivates and entertains.

    📖 Current Reading:

    This week, I've been engrossed in "Rip It Up and Start Again," a fascinating book about the post-punk music scene. It's an insightful exploration of the genre's evolution and its impact, offering great inspiration and a break from the writing routine.

    📝 Writing Updates:

    "Wyvern Rider": I managed to draft a new chapter for "Wyvern Rider," further developing the story's complex world and deepening the characters' journeys.

    "Punks Versus Zombies": Additionally, I've written two new episodes for "Punks Versus Zombies." Keeping the narrative fresh and engaging in this series is always a fun challenge.

    As I balance book launch preparations with writing and reading, I look forward to the new insights and developments each brings. Stay tuned for more updates on the launch and my creative progress next week.

    I’d love to hear what you're reading or how you manage multiple creative projects. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into my author's life and journey through the worlds I create!

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    6 mins
  • 349 - June 2, 2024 - Hammer of Wolfsbane, The Mediocre Maverick
    Jun 1 2024

    Dive into this week's Author Diary as I share updates on my latest writing achievements, upcoming launches, and the creative decisions ahead.

    📝 Writing New Short Stories:

    This week, I penned two new short stories, "Hammer of Wolfsbane" and "The Mediocre Maverick." These stories allowed me to explore different facets of my creative universe and refine my storytelling skills. You can read them both for free at joncronshawauthor.com

    🚀 Launching "Guild of Assassins" & Expanding Distribution:

    The launch preparations for "Guild of Assassins" are in full swing, and I'm thrilled about bringing this new adventure to readers.

    Visit: books2read.com/guildofassassins

    Additionally, "The Fall of Wolfsbane" is now reaching a broader audience as it becomes available on more eBook platforms including Apple, Nook, Kobo, Google Play, and Ream. It's exciting to see my work accessible on such a diverse range of platforms.

    Visit: books2read.com/fallofwolfsbane

    🤔 Deciding What's Next:

    As I look to the coming week, I'm at a creative crossroads with several potential projects vying for my attention. These include continuing "Punks Versus Zombies," further developing "Wyvern Rider," diving into "Ravenglass Legends Book 3," starting "Guild of Assassins 2," or advancing "Dawn of Assassins 4." Each project offers unique challenges and opportunities, making the choice both exciting and daunting.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on how you prioritize multiple creative projects or which of these you’d be most excited to see progress. Your feedback is invaluable as I navigate these creative waters.

    Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author's life, book launches, and the journey through the worlds I create!

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    7 mins
  • 348 - May 26, 2024 - Wyvern Rider
    May 25 2024

    Welcome to this week's Author Diary. Despite battling a virus, I managed to make some progress with my writing and engage with my Ream community.

    🤒 Battling Illness:

    This week has been challenging as I've been under the weather with a virus. It's always tough balancing rest and productivity during such times, but health comes first.

    ✍️ "Wyvern Rider" Progress:

    Even with limited energy, I managed to write a few chapters of "Wyvern Rider." Progress might be slower, but each step forward is important and keeps the narrative alive and evolving.

    📚 Sharing on Ream:

    I've also posted some short stories to my Ream community. It’s always a pleasure to share these pieces and engage with readers, receiving their thoughts and feedback.

    🔉 Short Episode:

    Given the circumstances, this week’s diary entry is shorter than usual. I appreciate your understanding and support as I focus on recovery and maintaining a bit of creative output.

    Looking forward to returning with more energy and updates next week. In the meantime, feel free to share how you manage creativity during downtime or illness. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into my author's journey!

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    3 mins
  • 347 - May 19, 2024 - Punks Versus Zombies, Wyvern Rider
    May 18 2024

    Welcome to this week’s Author Diary! Dive into my latest writing achievements, exciting publishing plans, and my current engaging read.

    📝 "Punks Versus Zombies" Progress:

    This week, I’ve been busy with the "Punks Versus Zombies" series, successfully writing episode 38 and drafting the first version of episode 39. Each episode brings new challenges and twists, keeping the series fresh and thrilling.

    ✍️ "Wyvern Rider" Redrafting:

    I'm currently redrafting "Wyvern Rider," a story close to my heart. I’m excited to announce that I will start posting it on Ream starting May 18. It's shaping up well, and I can't wait to share this adventure with my readers.

    📚 Expanding Content on Ream:

    Alongside new stories, I've been posting a selection of my old short stories and novellas on Ream. There's a treasure trove of narratives I've crafted over the years, and I'm looking forward to bringing more of these into the light for new and longtime readers to enjoy.

    🎶 Current Reading:

    I’ve been engrossed in "Delta Blues – The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music." This book has been a fascinating journey into the roots and profound impact of Delta blues on American music, offering deep insights and appreciation for this influential genre.

    As I continue to write, redraft, and delve into the profound depths of music history, I look forward to sharing more about my creative process and the inspirations behind my work.

    Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the evolution of series writing, rediscovering old stories, or any profound music history books you've encountered.

    Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for weekly insights into my author's life and explorations in storytelling!

    #PunksVersusZombies #WyvernRider #ReamPlatform #AuthorDiary #CreativeWriting #DeltaBlues #MusicHistory #StoryRedrafting #PublishingUpdates #ReadingUpdate

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    7 mins