We hope you enjoy our amazing Christmas playlist, it’s got EVERYTHING from the classics to Heavy Metal, from Celtic Jigs to Jazz there’s tons of variety. The podcast features clips and our reactions to Joseph Campbell talking about myths and Carl Jung, Terence Mckenna talking about John Dee and the supernatural, Christopher Hitchens talking about Israel, Jeffery Sachs talking about Syria and Ukraine, and lots more! Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
Christmas Playlist for Apple: https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/christmas-2024/pl.u-e98loWpCZxjZ9N
And for Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/61hBkOeu1tNuFEhGFSreyK?si=eDG8ieA5RECqpvSZcU9GUw&pi=u-Px6ihrxOQcKu