
  • Embracing Authenticity: The Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment w/Elisabeth Carson.
    Mar 4 2025

    Unlock the full 35-minute video for FREE exclusively at www.4BK.tv! Don’t miss out—watch now and dive into the complete experience! 🌿 Women, with their innate emotional intelligence, are especially adept at using these rituals to deepen their connection to themselves and the world around them. In this episode of 'Just a Gem,' host Gemma sits down with Robin to discuss the intersection of beauty and healing. They tackle the misconceptions surrounding attractive women in the business world, challenging the stereotype that equates beauty with a lack of substance. Robin shares her insights on navigating societal perceptions and the importance of embracing one's unique attributes. Growing up, Robin faced challenges related to jealousy and misjudgment based on her looks. It took time for her to realize that these perceptions were not reflective of her true self.Through continuous learning and self-discovery, individuals can overcome insecurities and societal judgments. Robin's journey is a testament to the power of authenticity and resilience. By embracing her true self and rejecting limiting beliefs, she has achieved personal and professional fulfillment.⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️:00:00:00 - Understanding the Healing Journey and Its Misconceptions00:02:43 - Perception of Attractiveness and Breaking Stereotypes00:05:32 - Minimizing Attractiveness as a Form of Protection00:08:06 - Embracing Authenticity and Overcoming Fear of Judgment00:10:22 - Balancing Beauty Routines with Holistic Health Practices00:12:53 - Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle for Clarity and Health00:15:39 - Managing Personal Growth Through Life's Challenges00:18:10 - Building Resilience and Exceeding Expectations in Life#PersonalGrowth, #InnerStrength, #SelfAcceptance, #AuthenticLiving, #CollaborationOverCompetition, #MindsetShift, #BreakingStereotypes, #AttractiveWomen, #WomenEmpowerment, #SelfCare, #HealingJourney, Website: https://www.elisabethcarson.com/IG: https://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/FB :https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarsonX: @Lis_CarsonTikTok: @elisabethcarsonofficialThe Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7XThe Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCNThe Mother Earth Effect Volume 2https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1Peptideshttps://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6SvTrue Dark Glasses - Dave Aspreyhttps://truedark.com?ref=zgm2owqdParasite ParaFy Cleansehttps://rogershood.com/ref/1573/Danger Coffee | Dave Asprey's Remineralized Mold Free Coffeehttp://dangercoffee.com/4bkGET $600 OFF Saunas | #1 Home Sauna | Sunlightenhttps://www.sunlighten.com/saunas/?utm_source=4biddenknowledge&utm_medium=Partner&leadsource=4biddenknowledge&utm_campaign=4biddenknowledgeLifewave patcheshttps://lifewave.com/EHoekstraViome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA

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    38 min
  • The Truth About Parasites: Myths, Facts, and Prevention.
    Feb 4 2025

    Parafy cleanse dicount - https://rogershood.com/ref/1573/ Parasites are organisms that live off their host, often causing harm in the process. Nematodes, such as flatworms, roundworms, and tapeworms, are examples of physical worms that can infest humans and animals alike. These parasites can be found in various environments, including contaminated water sources, as was the case in Washington where nematodes were discovered in the water supply. When parasites like tapeworms or hookworms attach themselves to the intestines or veins, they can be particularly challenging to eliminate. The presence of parasites in the human body is more common than many realize, with estimates suggesting that a significant percentage of the population may be affected. Parasites can steal up to 90% of the nutrients from their host, leading to chronic health issues and nutrient deficiencies. Common symptoms of parasitic infections include grinding teeth, skin problems, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and bloating after eating or drinking. Pets, especially those not regularly dewormed, can be a major source of parasite transmission to humans. In some countries, regular deworming is part of standard health practices, but this is not the case everywhere. Testing for parasites can be unreliable, as they cycle through different stages and may not always be present in stool samples. Despite this, cleansing protocols are available that aim to rid the body of these unwanted guests, often incorporating natural ingredients known for their antiparasitic properties. Regular cleansing, along with dietary adjustments to reduce sugar and processed foods, can help maintain a less hospitable environment for parasites. Awareness and proactive measures are key to managing and preventing parasitic infections. #AccurateTestingNeeds, #WaterContaminationIssue, #ParasiticInfectionsAwareness, #BloatingSymptoms, #TeethGrindingSigns, #PetParasitesRisk, #ChronicIllnessHelp, #GutHealthTips, #NaturalRemedies, #ViralDetoxStory, #HealthJourney2021, #ParasiteCleanse, #WormQueen, #NematodesFacts, #ParasitesInfo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Parasites and Their Impact 00:04:13 - Common Signs of Parasitic Infections 00:08:01 - Testing for Parasites: Accuracy and Challenges 00:11:35 - Parasites in Food and Water Sources 00:15:17 - Effects of Parasites on Mental Health 00:18:55 - Preventing Parasite Infections Daily 00:22:31 - Understanding Parasite Cleansing Methods 00:26:12 - The Role of Diet in Parasite Prevention 00:29:57 - Debunking Myths About Parasites 00:33:44 - Conclusion: Importance of Parasite Awareness ============================================================================== Website: https://www.elisabethcarson.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/ FB :https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarson X: @Lis_Carson TikTok: @elisabethcarsonofficial The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN The Mother Earth Effect Volume 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Peptides https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA New boost

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    38 min
  • Quantum Biology - The Newest Science Broken Down - Quantum Physics w/in the body by Elisabeth Carson
    Jan 28 2025

    "Join me, Elisabeth Carson, as I dive into the fascinating world of quantum biology with Dr. Catherine Clinton on this episode of *Just a Gem*! 🌌✨ I ask the most pressing questions to uncover how the body operates at the quantum level and unlocks its innate healing potential. From the hidden power of fascia and energy fields to the science of heart-brain coherence and biofield technologies, Dr. Clinton delivers groundbreaking insights and practical tips you can apply to optimize your health and vitality. Get ready for mind-blowing gems that will forever change how you view your body, health, and connection to the universe. Don’t miss this transformative episode! 🚀💎 #QuantumBiology #HealthGems #ElisabethCarson #JustAGemPodcast" Dr. Catherine Clinton - www.drcatherineclinton.com Website: https://www.elisabethcarson.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/ FB :https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarson X: @Lis_Carson TikTok: @elisabethcarsonofficial The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN The Mother Earth Effect Volume 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Peptides https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA

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    41 min
  • Secrets to Growing a Successful Podcast: Insights from Sean Kelly.
    Jan 21 2025

    🧠 Enhance your podcasting skills with our comprehensive guide to personal development and continuous learning. Gain insights into the habits and routines of successful podcasters who prioritize self-improvement and adaptability. Learn how to effectively manage time and stress, ensuring a balanced approach to work and life. Our guide emphasizes the importance of being a lifelong learner, staying informed about industry trends, and constantly refining your craft. Whether it's through reading, attending workshops, or networking with peers, discover how to stay ahead in the competitive world of podcasting. #MonetizePodcast, #AudienceEngagement, #SEOOptimization, #PodcastingSuccess, #DigitalSocialHour, #ViralContentSecrets, #SocialMediaStrategy, #ContentCreation, #PodcastGrowth, #SponsorshipTips ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️: 00:00:00 - How to Secure Sponsorships for Your Podcast 00:02:48 - Finding Your Niche in Podcasting 00:05:09 - Monetizing Your Podcast: Tips and Strategies 00:07:38 - The Impact of Brain Health on Productivity 00:10:05 - Effective Social Media Strategies for Podcasts 00:12:29 - Dealing with Cyberbullying and Online Hate 00:14:54 - Lessons Learned from Top Podcasters 00:17:16 - Maintaining Mental Health as a Content Creator 00:19:40 - Staying Motivated Through Podcasting Challenges 00:22:00 - Starting a Podcast: Overcoming Initial Fears ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: https://www.elisabethcarson.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/ FB :https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarson X: @Lis_Carson TikTok: @elisabethcarsonofficial The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN The Mother Earth Effect Volume 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Peptides https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA

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    24 min
  • The Power of Numbers: King Simon Reveals How Numerology Can Transform Your Life
    Dec 31 2024

    Unlocking the Mysteries of Numerology with King Simon | Just a Gem King Simon - https://www.eventbrite.com/o/king-simon-productions-1840931945 Join us in this intriguing episode of 'Just a Gem' as we dive deep into the world of numerology with the renowned King Simon. Discover how numbers can guide your life, reveal your strengths and weaknesses, and even influence your career path. King Simon shares his profound insights on numerology's connection to ancient traditions, its role in spiritual growth, and much more. numerology, King Simon, spiritual growth, life path number, numerology vs astrology, master numbers, financial challenges, career guidance, Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more enlightening episodes! Visit our website for exclusive content and follow us on social media. Special thanks to King Simon for sharing his expertise. #Numerology #KingSimon #SpiritualGrowth #JustAGem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Numerology and Its Significance 00:03:51 - Understanding Life Path and Destiny Numbers 00:07:20 - The Role of Personal Year Cycles in Life 00:10:56 - Exploring the Power of Master Numbers 00:14:26 - Numerology's Influence on Spiritual Growth 00:17:54 - Karmic Numbers and Their Impact on Life 00:21:18 - Financial Insights Through Numerology 00:24:46 - Master Numbers: Responsibility and Power 00:28:14 - Planetary Energies and Numerological Connections 00:31:49 - Numerology as a Metaphysical Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    35 min
  • Ancient Alien Evidence: Hidden in Plain Sight?
    Dec 26 2024

    Ancient alien evidence may be hiding in plain sight. Join 4biddenknowledge's Host Elisabeth Carson, interview expert Billy Carson as he unveils compelling UFO encounters, government secrets, and ancient art depicting extraterrestrial presence. Discover shocking declassified documents and the truth about alien technology.Explore mind-bending theories on interdimensional beings, wormholes, and how UFOs challenge our understanding of physics. Learn why aliens might be more peaceful than we think and how humanity can prepare for potential contact.Uncover the connection between UFOs and nuclear sites, and why the government keeps this information classified. Billy shares insights on the most credible alien abduction stories and the technological capabilities of these mysterious craft.Want exclusive content on ancient mysteries and extraterrestrial phenomena? Subscribe to 4biddenknowledge for more mind-expanding interviews and revelations. Join the movement to uncover hidden truths about our universe and our place in it.Don't miss out on Billy & Elisabeth Carson's workshops, tours, and investment opportunities. Visit our website to learn how you can be part of this exciting journey into the unknown. The truth is out there – are you ready to find it?#ufosightings #uap #ufo #documentary #ancientaliens#uap #ufosightings #ufo #historychannel #ancientaliensCHAPTERS:00:00 - Intro01:24 - Compelling Evidence of UFOs02:46 - Government Secrecy on UFO Encounters03:49 - UFO vs. UAP Explained04:48 - Historical UFO Sightings05:46 - Ancient Art and Alien Encounters07:34 - Credible Alien Abduction Stories09:20 - Peaceful vs. Hostile Aliens10:05 - Reasons for Alien Secrecy10:48 - Advanced UFO Technology11:35 - Remote Piloting of UFOs12:27 - Anti-Gravity and Physics Understanding13:30 - Increasing UFO Sightings14:09 - Shocking Declassified UFO Documents15:17 - Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Purpose16:01 - Challenges of UFO Disclosure16:51 - Reliability of UFO Whistleblowers17:50 - UFOs from Other Dimensions?18:30 - Wormholes and UFO Theories19:39 - UFOs and Nuclear Sites21:24 - Aliens and Universal Laws23:10 - UFO Phenomenon and Mainstream Science23:46 - Preparing for Alien Contact24:29 - Contact's Impact on Religion25:46 - Public Reaction to UFO Truth26:17 - Questions for an Alien Species27:20 - Last Words29:18 - Forbidden Knowledge TV Tours: 4bidden Tour Of Egypt https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-egypt-tour 4bidden Tour Of Peru https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-tour-of-peru Publications: Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets https://a.co/d/aFOvwfS Read Fractal Holographic Universe by Billy Carson: https://amzn.to/3YModPd The Epic Of Humanity by Billy Carson - #1 Best Seller https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR7BWYZK?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_5M5HNQW0DN8D80WADZCN Woke Doesn't Mean Broke by Billy Carson. Buy The Book https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/online-store/Woke-Doesnt-Mean-Broke-by-Billy-Carson-p253782102 The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect Volume 1 https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN The Mother Earth Effect Volume 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Products: Peptides https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA

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    30 min
  • Is it Possible to LIVE Disease & Pain FREE through a Healthy Lymphatic System?
    Dec 18 2024

    Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Hoekstra https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv ------------------------------------------------------------ Discover the transformative power of lymph node therapy and self-healing in this enlightening conversation with Elisabeth Carson and Mysteek Skalski. Learn how to harness the natural healing capabilities of your body to improve your health and well-being. In this video, you'll find: ✨ Insights into lymph node therapy and its benefits ✨ Practical self-healing techniques you can start today ✨ Personal stories and expert advice from Elisabeth Carson and Mysteek Skalski Whether you're new to self-healing or looking to deepen your knowledge, this video is packed with valuable information to help you on your wellness journey. 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe for more health and wellness tips! 👍 If you found this video helpful, please give it a like and share it with others who might benefit. 💬 We'd love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below! #SelfHealing #LymphNodeTherapy #Wellness #ElisabethCarson #MysteekSkalski

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    46 min
  • BILLY CARSON Exposes the Secrets of the Universe
    Dec 17 2024

    The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect Volume 1 https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN The Mother Earth Effect Volume 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLSWZ5L7?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_V75WTHWSGJ24Z383GYZH_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 Products: Peptides https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min