Hey Friends, Welcome to The Rift - Enlightenment Within the Divide. I’m your host, Sam Denning, and today's conversation is with Kevin Thomas. Kevin is a jack of all trades. He is the most mechanical person I know and has the ability to fabricate just about anything in his shop, its really pretty cool. In this conversation I try to open Kevin up (he isn't keen on speaking out) and I believe he starts opening up as the podcast progresses and he becomes more comfortable. Kevin and his partner own a large landscaping business in Huntington, WV called YARDWORKS LLC and Kevin is also an aviator. It is an awesome conversation from start to finish! Please enjoy and give any feedback you want either on this website or over my email.
This podcast is aimed at having conversations with people from across all aspects of life during these crazy times we are living in. While the conversations are going to be focused around people's unique jobs, hobbies, leisure activities and personal experiences it is hard to imagine that the topic of the current pandemic will not be mentioned. If you are interested in being part of the conversation feel free to email me, Sam Denning, at soyoholdings@gmail.com.