Chapter 19 Part 2. "Kabbalah & Alchemy" Sunday Night 8:00PM Release.
"All Topics"
01. The world of Jesus 01:37
02. Rumors about Jesus 02:44
03. A secret and powerful knowledge 06:37
04. The most dangerous books 12:55
05. A secret Muslim Alchemist 19:23
06. The philosopher's stone 24:15
07. A magical root 27:35
Welcome to the 19th chapter of 40,000 of knowledge documentary series.
In this chapter I will tell you about the secret knowledge which was discovered to copy the miracles of Hazrat Essa a.s (Jesus). I will also tell you about the Art of Alchemy, The truth about philosopher's stone, The strange plant of Mandrake (mandragora) and also about a famous Muslim scientist who practiced the Alchemy in secret.
Assalamo Alaikum, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research in Quran, Science, History & Archeology to show us and our children, How beautiful our God is.
To support my research work, please buy my coffee from this link.
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Thank You For Listening.