
  • Unraveling The Deception of The Enemy
    Oct 21 2023
    “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬. The enemy (satan) is in the business of deception, deception is the foundation of his throne. He is the force behind every chaos and destruction. Enjoy perfect freedom today from The enemies deception.
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    1 hr and 6 mins
    Oct 22 2022
    THE DAYS OF SHAME ARE OVER TIME TO REIGN IN LIFE Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. Romans 8:1 AMP For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. Romans 8:2 TPT The case is closed & forever settled, there is no condemnation for the believer Step into greater depths of your freedom in Christ. This is the time to put aside all guilt, shame, low-self esteem, every thought & imagination where you see yourself less or below. You are born in the image of God, The father is your true reflection not your past failures or mistakes which is now forever erased in Christ. He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation. Colossians 2:14 TPT . God has erased all your sins past, present & futures. Your stained soul has been sanctified. Embrace the provisions made available to you in christ & reign in your regal victory over sin & death. You are blessed beyond measure.
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    54 mins
    Oct 16 2022
    Heb 10:12-14 But when this Priest had offered the one supreme sacrifice for sin for all time he sat down on a throne at the right hand of God, waiting until all his whispering enemies are subdued and turn into his footstool. And by his one perfect sacrifice he made us perfectly holy and complete for all time! For more on truelight messages visit the link below: https://t.me/TrueLightM
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    2 hrs and 56 mins
    Oct 16 2022
    But God still loved us with such great love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, he united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by his wonderful grace! Eph 2:4-6. For more on truelight messages visit the link below: https://t.me/TrueLightM
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    3 hrs and 46 mins
    Oct 16 2022
    BIBLE STUDY SCRIPT: GRACE 1) DESTINED TO REIGN: i) Romans 5:17 Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah ii) Heb 10:12-14 But when this Priest had offered the one supreme sacrifice for sin for all time he sat down on a throne at the right hand of God, waiting until all his whispering enemies are subdued and turn into his footstool. And by his one perfect sacrifice he made us perfectly holy and complete for all time! iii) Eph 2:4-6 But God still loved us with such great love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, he united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by his wonderful grace! 2) THE LAW HAS BEEN FULFILLED i) Matthew 5:17 … I have come to bring to perfection all that have been written. NB: Jesus came to fulfil the law ii) John 1:17, Roman 8:1, Col 2:14-15, NB: Jesus has fulfilled completely the righteous requirements of the law; the devil cannot use the law to condemn you every time you fail. iii) Your part is to believe on Jesus Christ, and when you believe, you are blessed and made righteous! 3) THE PURPOSE FOR THE LAW GAL 3:21 i) God did not give the law for us to keep, He gave the law to bring man to the end of himself. So, he will see the need for a savior. 1Tim 1: 8-9, ii) Rom 7:12 There is nothing inherently wrong with the law. The law is holy, just and good. But it is time to realize that while the law is holy, just and good, it has no power to make you holy. It has no power to make you just and it is definitely having no power to make you good. iii) Hebrew 8:13 By cutting a new covenant of grace, God has made the first obsolete The truth is no man can keep the law, Gal 3:11 4) SATAN THE AUTHOR OF GUILT, SHAME & CONDEMNATION. i) Rev 22:10 In Hebrew, the devil’s name is called ha-satan, which literally means ‘the accuser” Hence the devil crowning achievement is to bring about condemnation in your life, concealing it in a fog of deception, so that you will be the last person to think that you are under condemnation. Condemnation demands a payment for all your sins, but without Jesus, there is no payment. Rom 8:1 ii) Beloved our hearts have been sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ from an evil conscience. An evil conscience is one that is perpetually conscious of sin and failure, and typically expects punishment. It is a conscience under condemnation. A good conscience feeds on the life on the life of Christ and gives you the confidence to draw near to God with a “true heart in full assurance of faith” that God is not angry with you. For more on truelight messages visit the link below: https://t.me/TrueLightM
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    3 hrs and 11 mins
  • Episode 5: Exploring the wisdom of God
    Feb 26 2022
    You are God’s righteousness, you are pure, holy & righteous through the sacrifice of the lord Jesus Christ. You are called to live a life of purpose & bliss.
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    16 mins
  • Episode 4: Exploring The Wisdom of God
    Feb 12 2022
    Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God. In other words, it was through the Anointed One that God was shepherding the world, not even keeping records of their transgressions, and he has entrusted to us the ministry of opening the door of reconciliation to God. We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips. So we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him.” For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through our union with him. 2 Corinthians 5:17 - 21 TPT https://bible.com/bible/1849/2co.5.17-21.TPT
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    17 mins
  • Episode 3: Exploring the Wisdom of God.
    Jan 28 2022
    Exploring the endlessness of God’s wisdom. Insight on birthing forth your divinely ordained purpose. The beautiful spontaneous worship at the end is “I want to love you by misty edwards” readily available on YouTube.
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    53 mins