Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Leading the Way: Yuxi's Brave Adventure on the Great Wall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 阳光明媚的春天,长城在北方青山绿水间如同一条坚毅的巨龙,吸引成群结队的游客。En: On a bright and sunny spring day, the Changcheng (Great Wall of China) stretches like a steadfast giant dragon amidst the lush mountains and flowing waters of the north, attracting throngs of tourists.Zh: 玉溪、节和美琳兴奋地参加春游,他们期待着在这样一个雄伟壮丽的地方留下珍贵的回忆。En: Yuxi, Jie, and Mei Lin excitedly joined the spring outing, eager to create precious memories in such a magnificent location.Zh: 玉溪是个好奇和冒险的学生。En: Yuxi is a curious and adventurous student.Zh: 她渴望在这个旅途中展示自己的勇气,尽管经常感到被更活泼的朋友节和美琳掩盖。En: She yearned to showcase her bravery during this trip, even though she often felt overshadowed by her more outgoing friends, Jie and Mei Lin.Zh: 走在长城的石阶上,她心中萌生了一个想法:这次,她要表现出自己的领导能力。En: As she walked on the stone steps of the Changcheng, an idea dawned on her: this time, she would demonstrate her leadership skills.Zh: 刚开始,她有些犹豫。En: At first, she hesitated.Zh: 长城宽阔而复杂,到处都是游客,玉溪担心自己无法带领大家顺利前行。En: The Great Wall was vast and complex, packed with tourists, and Yuxi worried she wouldn't be able to lead everyone safely.Zh: 然而,当节在拥挤的人群中走失时,她明白自己必须有所作为。En: However, when Jie got lost in the crowd, she realized she needed to take action.Zh: 玉溪深吸一口气,决定站出来带领她的朋友们。En: Yuxi took a deep breath and decided to step up and lead her friends.Zh: “大家跟着我,不要走散!En: "Everyone, follow me and don't get separated!"Zh: ”玉溪大声道。En: Yuxi called out loudly.Zh: 她心里有些紧张,但更多的是一种责任感。En: She felt a bit nervous, but a stronger sense of responsibility prevailed.Zh: 节和美琳信任地跟在她后面,他们一路向着更高、更远的地方攀登。En: Jie and Mei Lin trusted her and followed closely as they climbed towards higher and further points.Zh: 到了一个特别陡峭的路段,石阶变得险峻,游人也多了起来。En: Reaching a particularly steep section, where the stone steps became treacherous and the tourists more numerous, Yuxi carefully observed the path ahead, searching for the safest route.Zh: 玉溪仔细观察前方,寻找最安全的路径。En: She remembered her mom's advice to take things slowly and not rush when facing challenges.Zh: 她记得妈妈告诉过她,遇到难关时,慢慢来,不要急。En: "Let's go this way, quickly!"Zh: “我们走这边,快点!En: Yuxi waved her hand, leading her friends onto a relatively flat section.Zh: ”玉溪挥手,带领朋友们走上一个相对平坦的路段。En: On the way, she repeatedly looked back to ensure everyone was following closely.Zh: 一路上,她不断回头查看,确保所有人都紧跟在后。En: Finally, they successfully traversed the difficult section and stood high on the Changcheng, overlooking the distant green hills and the sprawling wall.Zh: 终于,他们顺利经过了困难的路段,站在长城的高处,俯瞰远处的青山和绵延的城墙,大家都激动不已。En: Everyone was thrilled.Zh: 节和美琳笑着对玉溪说:“谢谢你带领我们,你真了不起!En: Jie and Mei Lin smiled and said to Yuxi, "Thank you for leading us, you were amazing!"Zh: ”玉溪微笑,她感到一种从未有过的充实感。En: Yuxi smiled, feeling a sense of fulfillment she had never experienced before.Zh: 她看着脚下的长城,明白即使面对未知的挑战,也可以坚定不移。En: Looking at the Changcheng beneath her feet, she understood that even when facing unknown challenges, she could remain unwavering.Zh: 这次旅程教会了她很多,她知道自己不仅能够跟随别人,亦能开创属于自己的道路。En: This journey taught her so much; she knew that not only could she follow others, but she could also forge her own path.Zh: 春风轻轻拂过,带着希望与勇气,她的心也随之跃动。En: The spring breeze gently swept by, bringing with it hope and courage, and her heart leaped with anticipation.Zh: 长城,见证了她的成长与蜕变。En: The Changcheng bore witness to her growth and transformation.Zh: 春游中的这个小插曲,让玉溪明白了只要勇敢面对,任何一段旅程都能成为美好的记忆。En: This small episode during the spring outing made Yuxi realize that by facing challenges bravely, any journey could become a ...