• 428: Create Customer Experiences that Supercharge Success, with Narvar
    Sep 30 2024

    Amit Sharma of Narvar talks about leveraging intelligent communication to boost consumer trust, create memorable shopping experiences & maximize conversions.


    [07.56] Amit’s career journey, and how it led him to establish Narvar.

    [10.12] An overview of Narvar – who they are, what they do, and how they help their customers.

    “Online, after we buy, there’s a waiting period. And often that waiting period is overlooked, or under-invested. We help businesses engage their customers with the intention of driving long term loyalty and advocacy.”

    [12.54] The ideal client for Narvar.

    [14.28] Amit’s take on the biggest e-commerce challenges right now, especially when it comes to the post-purchase experience.

    “Once you buy a product, it’s a chore. ‘Find a tracking number; When can I get it?; Do I have to be at home,?; Will the package be secure?’… There are all these questions that lead to anxiety about the order you placed. So the challenge is to build the trust every step of the way.”

    “There’s a disconnect... you have to understand the customers context and provide the right information at the right time.”

    [17.13] Narvar’s mission to simplify the everyday lives of consumers, and why taking care of retail customers isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s good business.

    “Everything is “and” now. It has to be cheaper AND it has to be faster AND it has to be on time AND it has to be an amazing customer experience.”

    “Consumers want returns policies and processes that are easy to understand and follow… and making it convenient is better for the retailer as well.”

    [25.18] Why 60% of shoppers are more likely to choose a retailer that can tell them the exact date a package will arrive at the time of order; and the role of Narvar’s ‘Promise’ solution in helping retailers utilize intelligent delivery estimates to drive conversion and deliver transparency.

    “Given a choice, customers select visibility and predictability of delivery dates versus faster delivery. And, from the merchant perspective, we then see consumers buy more, and make less customer service enquiries, because you’ve built trust and confidence…. There’s a big benefit from setting that expectation.”

    [31.46] How Narvar helps retailers continue to communicate with consumers using post-purchase marketing and different touchpoints to keep them informed, but also boost trust, keep experience levels high and upsell.

    [35.35] The challenge of returns, and how Narvar helps retailers to find the balance of retaining revenue and reducing costs, whilst also offering customers easy, convenient, positive experiences.

    “All of the data and sophistication gets applied on the acquisition side, but not much on the retention side. Returns is an opportunity for that.”

    [40.38] Why Narvar is fostering collaboration between retailers, and how a unique relationship with Kohl’s is setting a standard for smoother, cheaper, and more sustainable returns experiences for brands and consumers alike.

    “Cheaper, convenient, and beneficial for everybody.”

    [44.42] The upcoming trends and opportunities in the ecommerce industry that we should be looking out for.

    “Using intelligence, the supply chain is going to get more and more intuitive, more consumer-friendly, and more cost-effective for all the players involved.”


    Head over to Narvar’s website now to find out more and discover how they could help you too. You can also connect with Narvar and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and X (Twitter), or you can connect with Amit on LinkedIn.

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    52 mins
  • 427: Leverage Technology to Automate Supplier Data Validation and Mitigate Risk, with Relish
    Sep 23 2024

    Jeremy Reeves of Relish & Matt Montgomery of SAP talk about how technology can automate supplier data validation and mitigate risk; our data end games; & AI.


    [07.15] Introductions to today’s guests and what they do.

    [08.59] An overview of the landscape of supplier data and the challenges of validation.

    “Supplier management needs to be thought of as the foundation for everything. It’s the knowledge that you need to have for every single decision you’re making.”

    “As we look at solutions and talk about supplier data, we can’t just talk about ‘company name and address.’ We have to think: What do you need to know to make the choice to use that supplier, to make a better decision, to streamline processes? … How do you collaborate and drive efficiency so you can spend more time on the good decisions versus data collection?”

    [13.25] The supplier data end game – what supplier data should look like, and what it should do for their businesses, if organizations have the right solutions to their challenges.

    “Speed and efficiency are the name of the game.”

    [17.11] How businesses should be measuring and validating supplier data, and the different techniques and strategies they can use to do it.

    “You first have to understand where the problems are lying within the overall process, so measuring that information is key.”

    [20.52] The role of technology in automating the supplier data validation process.

    “Speed becomes a competitive differentiator.”

    [23.26] Whether process drives technology, or technology drives process.

    “Technology can really optimize that knowledge of region, industry, commodity, business unit… but as much as the technology can optimize, it becomes much more efficient when you can trust the data source.”

    [28.27] How technology can help suppliers be active participants in the risk management process.

    [32.51] The hidden prevalence of AI; where the industry is at on its AI journey; and what the future of supplier data validation and risk mitigation is going to look like.

    “The term is overused – it means everything! People think Siri, ChatGPT – people’s perception of AI is the microcosm of how they’re experiencing it.”

    [36.53] How SAP and Relish are automating supplier data validation, and what we can learn from their approach.

    [43.44] The future for Relish and SAP, and for the industry, as we look towards 2025.

    “The ability for technology to automate the speed of development – we’re going to see a lot more capabilities, delivered faster.”

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    57 mins
  • 426: Discover the Truth About Digitalization in Container Shipping in 2024, with DCSA
    Sep 16 2024
    Thomas Bagge of DCSA & Thomas Morris of FINN Partners talk about digitalization in container shipping; drivers & barriers to change; and progress & priorities. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: [06.45] Introductions to today’s guests and what they do. “DCSA aims to help digitalize and make container shipping more effective. We’re open source and vendor neutral… and our members represent about 75% of the world’s containerized capacity.” [10.13] An overview of DCSA’s new state of the industry report: what it’s about, why they commissioned it, and what they’re aiming to achieve. “Decision makers are strongly advocating for more digital tools, more interoperability – they want to improve efficiency… So how do we convert these demands into firm commitments that will help drive digitalization forward?” [13.41] A closer look at the methodology and analytics that were used in the creation of the report. “We’re excited. Given the amount of ground we’ve covered, and the amount of research we’ve done – we think it’s one of the most comprehensive reports looking at digitalization within container shipping.” [17.35] The landscape of digitalization in container shipping, and the historic issues with data, visibility and interoperability. “There have been a lot of great initiatives and strides made in our industry… but we need to take the next steps. A lot of those previous digital initiatives were invented in siloes. So, the biggest issues we have today are a lack of data and interoperability.” [21.32] The current sentiment in the industry towards digital, and whether or not that sentiment was a surprise; and the impact being made by increasing standardization. “I was surprised by the level of manual interventions that we still see in the industry!” “86% of cargo owners said that digitalization is a tool that would help improve efficiency and process, and they see the opportunity – we saw cargo owners talk about customer satisfaction, operational costs, and competitive advantage.” [26.18] The key drivers and barriers to digitalization in the container shipping industry. “Cargo owners are ready to go, but two thirds said they need help and support. Some are fearful of legacy systems… and there’s also some internal company resistance. We need to get the tech right, but businesses are made of people, and we need to bring them along on the journey as well.” [30.55] Industry progress, and supply chain stakeholders’ priorities for further change. “We have a complex industry, there are many stakeholders – this is a problem of a whole ecosystem…. Removing the barriers to trade is in everybody’s interest.” [36.51] Why sustainability has to be one of the industry’s biggest priorities; how organizations are approaching increasingly stringent regulations and impending ESG deadlines; and how digitalization is going to make a difference. “The fuel transition is not something that’s around the corner, we’re going to have emissions for many years to come… but the industry can save up to 14% on fuel through collaboration and implementation of just-in-time standards – and that’s work we can do today, we don’t have to wait for 2040.” [39.23] What DCSA are currently working on to help address key industry priorities, and an example of how they helped a retailer save costs, standardize, and integrate quickly through effective digitalization. [41.05] How enhanced collaboration can help to accelerate the adoption of digital tools. “Almost a third of cargo owners talked about hesitancy to adopt new technology solutions before their peers or partners. It’s a classic case of ‘who jumps first?’!” [43.40] DCSA’s vision for the future of container shipping, and how the industry is going to continue to evolve. RESOURCES AND LINKS MENTIONED: Head over to DCSA’s website now to find out more and download the report. You can also connect with DCSA and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn, or you can connect with Thomas Morris on LinkedIn. If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more about container shipping, listen to 340: Container Confusion: Are Shipping Trends Lost at Sea? with Steve Ferreira, or read The Use Cases and ROI of Container Tracking for Freight Forwarders.
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    50 mins
  • 425: Women In Supply Chain, Josephine Coombe
    Sep 9 2024

    Josephine Coombe talks about her career journey; how marketing has changed; work/life balance; & why it’s never been a more exciting time to be in supply chain.


    [07.26] Josephine’s career journey; her transition from the arts to technology and supply chain; and why embracing ambiguity is a good thing.

    “I wouldn’t say my career was planned, or at least the first half was more serendipity than planning. But, around halfway through, I started being much more deliberate about where I was going as a professional. And, particularly for young women, allowing a little bit of the unexpected can take you down paths that are very positive.”

    [08.49] How marketing has changed over the course of Josephine’s career; why it’s vital to bring creativity and analytics together; and why data isn’t everything when it comes to marketing.

    “It’s been a very interesting time to see the shifts in marketing. Back then marketing was, to some extent, more of an arts discipline… And it’s changed dramatically, as digital marketing has enabled a much more analytical approach.”

    “We can go overboard with trying to make the data tell us everything – and it can’t. I often see wild goose chases when it comes to attribution, but often what’s lost in those conversations is the influencing factors… Not everything can be perfectly measured but, just because it can’t, doesn’t mean that it’s not delivering value.”

    [14.33] Josephine’s role as Chief Commercial Officer at Nulogy – what it involves, how she approaches the role, and the importance of bringing sales and marketing together.

    “The ability to get out of your silo and into another area enables you to build empathy for other business areas.”

    [18.37] Josephine’s experience of moving from North America to Europe for her latest job role.

    [22.10] Nulogy’s vision of collaboration and co-innovation, and the big industry challenges they’re tackling with these core principles.

    “More and more, we’re seeing a reliance on external providers to enable growth. But if you don’t know what’s going on out there, it’s going to be difficult to achieve. It’s a big supply chain issue.”

    [25.02] The significant momentum driving women’s involvement in supply chain in the UK, and the different culture it’s creating for the industry.

    “In the logistics industry in the UK, there’s been a deliberate effort to move beyond the historical reliance and dominance of men to enable more women in leadership positions.”

    [27.40] Josephine’s experience as a woman in supply chain, and how things have changed for women over the course of her career.

    [29.33] Why it’s never been a more exciting time to be in supply chain, and Josephine’s advice for younger generations, especially women, who may be looking to join the industry and take advantage of that excitement and momentum.

    “The pandemic made very clear to the world that supply chain is critical to society. And it made very clear to big businesses that they couldn’t treat their supply chain organizations like an operational necessity, they had to recognize its highly strategic value to the business. So we’ve seen a tremendous focus and investment in supply chain.”

    [31.29] The turning point in Josephine’s career; the influential people who played a part in her journey; and why you don’t ever stop learning.

    [36.16] Josephine’s passion for the arts; achieving her diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music; and the importance of embracing creativity as part of work/life balance.

    “For me, creative endeavors are part of work/life balance. It’s so important to make sure you’ve got that type of time to unwind and give your brain something fresh to think about.”

    [38.41] The future for Josephine.


    You can connect with Josephine over on LinkedIn.

    If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear from more inspiring women in the industry, check out 422: Women In Supply Chain™, Kiran Mann or 380: Women In Supply Chain™, Christine Barnhart.

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    46 mins
  • 424: Orchestrate and Optimize Your Terminal Operations, with Lynxis
    Sep 2 2024

    Larry Cuddy of Lynxis talks about transforming terminal operations; consolidating solutions; & his vision for the landside logistics facilities of tomorrow.


    [05.39] Larry’s career journey and unrivalled passion for supply chain.

    “My journey is so special because I love what I do. I have to pinch myself, because it’s really not a job for me… This journey started at five or six years old in a truck with my grandfather.”

    [08.53] An overview of Lynxis – who they are, what they do, and how they help their customers.

    “We’re designing a platform for the asset owner and the operator, and there are three things that are core to that: how do you move cargo; how do you do it in less space; and how do you reduce your operating costs? And the common denominator is optimizing terminals.”

    [12.35] The ideal client for Lynxis.

    [14.24] The biggest challenges currently faced by cargo terminals and landside logistics facilities, and Lynxis’ approach to tackling them.

    “Yes: tech is important, automation is important. But we’ve got to look at the infrastructure and workforce side as well.”

    [18.22] Lynxis’ aim to transform terminal operations from the ground up, and drive rapid transformation in the industry, by building teams that ‘think like operators, but act like tech experts.’

    [21.14] The importance of consolidation in an inter-connected industry, and how Lynxis is working with customers to pull infrastructure, equipment, tech, and people together into one highly orchestrated model.

    [24.50] How Lynxis is utilizing advanced technology to provide the mission-critical solutions that organizations need to tackle challenges, achieve orchestration, and eliminate the risks that slow the flow of cargo.

    “It’s about building the tech to proactively monitor, using real-time vision systems, in order to keep the flow of goods moving well.”

    “We are in the digital planning game. How do we model something and look at the differences between a hypothetical and real life, and which works better? And you can only do that with data.”

    [30.42] The importance of orchestration and optimization, and two case studies showing how Lynxis has helped key clients achieve big results.

    [35.24] Lynxis’ vision of the landside logistics facilities of tomorrow, and how they’re working towards making that vision a reality.

    “Our goal is to democratize, and make manual terminals more automated, without spending millions of dollars on tech and infrastructure.”


    Head over to Lynxis’ website now to find out more and discover how they could help you too. You can also connect with Lynxis and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn, or you can connect with Larry on LinkedIn.

    If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more from Larry, listen to 325: Build Thriving Supply Chain Communities, with Envase Technologies.

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    44 mins
  • 423: Flipping Product Compliance From Cost Center to Profit Engine, with Assent
    Aug 26 2024
    Ryan Zelhofer of Assent talks about PFAS management & evolving regulations; understanding risk; working with suppliers; & compliance as a competitive advantage. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: [06.35] An overview of Assent – who they are, what they do, and how they help their customers. “We’re a SaaS company, with a flair of personal touch!” [07.31] The ever-changing regulatory landscape, specifically through the lens of PFAS, and the challenges it’s presenting for businesses. “You’re seeing a flurry of activity in the U.S. alone, and each state has it’s own twist to the regulations… Companies are having to prepare for a federal reporting requirement, but they’re also having to keep a close eye on each state level.” “For a lot of people, this isn’t their full-time job. They probably have a more traditional supply chain responsibility, and someone came along with a hat and said: “Wear this too!” So selecting a good partner in that journey is very important; having regulatory experts in your back pocket to help keep an eye on those timelines is huge… It’s becoming extremely burdensome and complicated to keep up with.” [12.02] The other key drivers for organizations thinking about eliminating PFAS, alongside changing regulation, and how they complicate things for organizations that find themselves struggling with multiple priorities. Ryan Zelhofer of Assent talks about PFAS management & evolving regulations; understanding risk; working with suppliers; & compliance as a competitive advantage. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: [06.35] An overview of Assent – who they are, what they do, and how they help their customers. “We’re a SaaS company, with a flair of personal touch!” [07.31] The ever-changing regulatory landscape, specifically through the lens of PFAS, and the challenges it’s presenting for businesses. “You’re seeing a flurry of activity in the U.S. alone, and each state has it’s own twist to the regulations… Companies are having to prepare for a federal reporting requirement, but they’re also having to keep a close eye on each state level.” “For a lot of people, this isn’t their full-time job. They probably have a more traditional supply chain responsibility, and someone came along with a hat and said: “Wear this too!” So selecting a good partner in that journey is very important; having regulatory experts in your back pocket to help keep an eye on those timelines is huge… It’s becoming extremely burdensome and complicated to keep up with.” [12.02] The other key drivers for organizations thinking about eliminating PFAS, alongside changing regulation, and how they complicate things for organizations that find themselves struggling with multiple priorities. “You’re always going to have a regulatory driver that gets everyone into action but, with PFAS, the number one concern from a risk standpoint is part obsolescence. Most folks are craving data to identify where they have PFAS in their supply chain but, a lot of times, they may forget they need to be looking inside the four walls of their own manufacturing facility as well.” [15.47] How organizations can cut through the complexity, start to identify real, tangible risks, and get an understanding of where to start when it comes to reducing that risk effectively. “Every company is going to have a different risk profile and risk appetite, but it starts with data... without data you’re making blind choices.” [18.45] How organizations can use a product compliance program as a profit opportunity and competitive advantage. “Once you get to a state where you have high-quality data, you’re now in a position to make some competitive choices, you’re starting to showcase the level of supply chain partner you are... And, when it’s no longer about price, you can get that competitive advantage from product compliance and sustainability efforts; showing you’re proactive, you’re ready to support their organization and goals as well.” [20.50] The importance of suppliers in your sustainability and compliance efforts; and how organizations should be treating suppliers, and nurturing partnerships, in order to get the best results. “It’s collaborative in spirit and it’s forward-thinking.” [23.23] How a range of factors, from technology and flexibility to setting clear expectations and working with a sense of fairness, can help organizations create transparent, collaborative win-win relationships for all stakeholders. “Don’t be the parent that says: ‘Because I said so!’” [30.53] How, with budgets top of mind, organizations can motivate suppliers, without demanding more whilst paying less. “Are you pushing down demands, or are you having a collaborative conversation with your suppliers? Because the more you push down demands, the more risk you have of getting questionable data back. They’re not responding to what you really need, they’re just ...
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    46 mins
  • 422: Women In Supply Chain, Kiran Mann
    Aug 19 2024

    Kiran Mann talks about her career journey; her experience in the male-dominated auto industry; & why she left the corporate world to found her own business.


    [07.20] Kiran’s early years, and how an unexpected opportunity led her to a successful career in automotive and manufacturing.

    “It was a temporary situation that turned into 22 years! It felt like home. At some point I forgot about fashion designing, and became a full-time professional in automotive and manufacturing!”

    [09.49] From viewing challenges as opportunities to setting an example for other immigrants, the things Kiran is most proud of across her career, and what she’s learned along the way.

    “At the time, it felt normal. We all look for where we fit in, for opportunities, we grow. But, looking back now, it gives me a different feeling. A feeling of pride, a sense of accomplishment… who am I today is what I went through and what I learned.”

    [16.41] Kiran’s experience as a woman in a male-dominated industry; and how the industry changed for women over the years.

    [18.34] The question that led Kiran to quit her job and found her own business; and her experience of leaving the automotive industry after 20 years to go it alone.

    “Women overlook what we’re good at, because we just think it’s default. But if it was default, every single person around you would be doing it. So you have to find that recipe.”

    [22.53] How Kiran figured out how to use her skills in her new business; why she wanted to address the workplace challenges we all complain about; and her approach to fixing the gap between businesses and consultants.

    “One of my favorite words is ‘choice’… There’s no right or wrong choice, but every choice has a consequence.”

    [32.00] How Kiran came to take on the role of COO at Brar’s, alongside running her consultancy; how she balances her responsibilities; and why she’s come to realize that multitasking is not a good thing.

    [38.59] Kiran’s experience in the close-knit community of the dairy industry, and how she gained their trust and earned respect.

    [45.29] Kiran’s advice for young people as they start their careers.

    “Come out of your comfort zone, but don’t go crazy – be realistic.”

    [48.29] Why Kiran lives by the phrase Carpe Diem, and the importance of living in the moment.


    You can connect with Kiran over on LinkedIn.

    If you enjoyed the show and want to hear from more incredible women in supply chain, check out 384: Show Me The Money: Why Women Need To Stop Working For Free, 270: Women In Supply Chain™, Sneha Kumari or 212: Women In Supply Chain™, Ana Lucia Alonzo.

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    56 mins
  • 421: Tap Into A Shared Source of Truth for the Global Supply Chain, with Altana
    Aug 12 2024

    Evan Smith of Altana talks about his mission to fix globalization; the role of AI in making data actionable; & the changing face of supply chain visibility.


    [06.59] Evan’s early fascination with global issues, and how that curiosity, combined with his unwavering work ethic, ignited a passion that has driven his career and led him to co-found Altana.

    “I was kind of a weird kid, focused on big global issues – I actually wrote my high school senior thesis on the impending collapse of globalization… I was really curious about how the world works.”

    [11.07] From geopolitical consequences to environmental and social impacts, how globalization has gone wrong; and Altana’s mission to fix it.

    “The side effects, and unintended consequences of globalization, have resulted in its demise.”

    [17.30] Exactly what a value chain is; an overview of Altana and what they do; and how Altana’s Value Chain Management System is helping them to work towards a vision of better global commerce for everyone.

    “We need to create a ‘Google Maps’ of the world’s supply chain. There needs to be a common operating picture that everyone taps into, and you can only get so far with commercially purchasable data.”

    [25.55] The ideal client for Altana, and how a variety of different organizations can leverage Altana’s data and tools to meet their needs.

    “The blessing and the curse of Altana is that we can do so much for so many!”

    [32.20] The changing face of supply chain and logistics visibility; how Altana are achieving more than twice the supply chain visibility of any other provider; and how organizations can translate that data into actionable insights.

    “An outsourced just-in-time supply chain is only efficient when things are stable.”

    [38.19] AI; its vital role in making data accessible and actionable; and how Altana utilizes active learning to make connections and create a single source of truth for customers.

    [44.22] A case study showing how Altana helped a global apparel brand tackle a huge issue with detained imports, helping the brand to reveal a hidden forced labor problem, take action to fix it, and collaborate within their organization to optimize and develop ways to manage their whole value chain, not just their buyer-supplier relationships.

    [52.14] The future for Altana.


    Head over to Altana’s website now to find out more and discover how they could help you too. You can also connect with Altana and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn or X (Twitter), or you can connect with Evan on LinkedIn.

    If you enjoyed the show, and want to hear more about the power of data, check out Women In Supply Chain™: Procurement Leader, Stephany Lapierre on Using Supplier Data to Empower a More Connected, Diverse Supply Chain, Why Data, Focus and Follow-Through Are Shaping the Future of Supply Chain, or How To Leverage Your Logistics Data to Drive Demand.

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    59 mins