What happens inside a session? This series gives you a chance to listen in to short 1:1 session so you can benefit from the insights if they resonate with you and also so that if you've been curious about receiving a session, you'll have an idea of what it might be like.
In this session we cover these topics and more:
- Trusting life's timing
- Bringing creative ideas and energy into form
- Not creating out of ego or proving yourself
- The role of our creative dreams & projects
- Freeing your projects from pressure
- Relationship wounds
- Frustration in relationship
- Is a challenge really about the relationship or self?
- Creative energy
- Feeling the heart not wanting to open further
- Other options besides forcing healing or understand ourselves to heal
- When is it excessive energy put towards a challenge?
If you'd like to participate in a recorded 1:1 session send me an email at emily@listenerliving.com.