This episode, Mikey and Chris discuss their all-time favorite episode of Psych (Season 8, Episode 1). Also, they respond to this challenge: If you could only listen to five songs for the rest of your life, what would they be?
1. Redemption by Drake
2. Monsters Talk (feat. Bear Rinehart) by John Mark McMillan
3. Gang Over Luv by Brent Faiyaz
4. Heavy by Birdtalker
5. Die For You by The Weeknd
1. The Road, The Rocks, and The Weeds by John Mark McMillan
2. Bread & Wine by Josh Garrels and Mason Jar Music
3. Pray For Real (feat. tobi lou & Chance The Rapper) by Peter Cottontale
4. Heavy by Birdtalker
5. Dear Katara by L.Dre
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Music: High Ride by Blue Dot Sessions (