Lorette Yared was born and grew up in Las Vegas. Her parents are from Syria, she represents that part of her heritage as well.
From an ankle injury suffered in high school playing basketball, she found herself joining her cross country and track team to help get her healthier. This would spark her love for running.
Heading to College, she found her calling and studied successfully to become a nurse. A month later from passing her exams and she was in the full swing of her new occupation.
She has worked as a travel nurse in San Diego during the height of Covid.
Running and fitness was a mental break and a way of venting for Lorette.
Through her drive she has completed 3 of the 6 Major marathons.
More recently she had to overcome some setbacks but has now finally commissioned in the US Army Reserves and is looking to fulfill a role as medical officer.
To cap off this episode, Lorette is an example of not giving up on your dreams and to keep on persevering.