Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost in Snow: A Journey Beyond the Path Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-16-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na hlodu ob poti in gledal v daljavo.En: Matej sat on a log by the path, gazing into the distance.Sl: Vsi so se ustavili na kosilo, učiteljica je razdelila sendviče, a Matej je imel drugo idejo.En: Everyone had stopped for lunch, the teacher had handed out sandwiches, but Matej had a different idea.Sl: Njegov obraz je izražal nemir.En: His face expressed unease.Sl: Vedel je, da nekje v gozdu leži skriti slap, o katerem je bral.En: He knew there was a hidden waterfall somewhere in the forest, one he had read about.Sl: "Če bi le lahko," je pomislil, "če bi le lahko šel pogledat."En: "If only I could," he thought, "if only I could go and see it."Sl: Ana, ki je sedela poleg njega, je opazila Matejev zamišljeni pogled.En: Ana, who was sitting next to him, noticed Matej's thoughtful gaze.Sl: "Kaj razmišljaš?" ga je vprašala.En: "What are you thinking about?" she asked him.Sl: Matej se je ozrl nazaj k njej in se nasmehnil.En: Matej turned back to her and smiled.Sl: "Nekje blizu je slap," je povedal, "želim ga videti!"En: "There's a waterfall nearby," he said, "I want to see it!"Sl: "Matej, mi pa moramo ostati na poti," je odgovorila Ana resno.En: "Matej, we're supposed to stay on the path," Ana replied seriously.Sl: Pravila parka so bila jasna, a Matejev nemiren duh že dolgo ni poslušal pravil.En: The park's rules were clear, but Matej's restless spirit hadn't listened to rules for a long time.Sl: Med kosilom je Matej sklenil.En: During lunch, Matej made up his mind.Sl: Pogledal je naokrog, nato pa začel potihoma lesti stran.En: He looked around, then began to quietly slip away.Sl: Ana je to opazila.En: Ana noticed this.Sl: "Se res odpravljaš?" je vprašala tiho.En: "Are you really going?" she asked softly.Sl: Matej prikimal in pomignil z glavo proti gozdu.En: Matej nodded and gestured with his head towards the forest.Sl: Ana ni mogla verjeti, a nekaj v njej je kliknilo.En: Ana couldn't believe it, but something inside her clicked.Sl: "Pridem s teboj," je rekla, "a samo zato, da te prepričam, da se vrneva."En: "I'll come with you," she said, "but only to convince you to come back."Sl: Zasnežena tla so škripala pod njunimi škornji.En: The snowy ground crunched under their boots.Sl: Pot je postajala vedno bolj ozka, gozd okoli njiju pa gostejši.En: The path became increasingly narrow, and the forest around them denser.Sl: Jasno nebo se je začelo spreminjati.En: The clear sky began to change.Sl: Nebo je postajalo oblačno in hitro se je začel naletavati sneg.En: The sky was becoming cloudy, and snow began to fall quickly.Sl: V počasnejšem koraku sta oba začutila, da sta zašla.En: In their slower pace, both felt that they had strayed.Sl: "Matej," je zaskrbljeno rekla Ana, "ne bi smela biti tukaj. Vrniva se, dokler je še svetlo."En: "Matej," Ana said worriedly, "we shouldn't be here. Let's go back while it's still light."Sl: Matejov uporni pogled je popustil.En: Matej's rebellious look subsided.Sl: Prestrašil se je ideje izgubljenosti in svojih odločitev.En: He was frightened by the idea of being lost and his decisions.Sl: Vihar je okrog njiju pihal snežinke.En: The storm whirled snowflakes around them.Sl: Zdaj ni bil več čas za eksperimentiranje.En: Now was no longer the time for experimenting.Sl: "Vredu," je priznal Matej, "vrniva se."En: "Alright," Matej admitted, "let's go back."Sl: Ana je umirjeno sledila istemu slednjemu koraku, poskušala se je spomniti vsakega zavojčka, ki sta ga naredila.En: Ana calmly followed the same last steps, trying to remember every turn they had made.Sl: Pot je bila težka in sneg je zakrival sledi, vendar sta zaupala eden drugemu.En: The path was difficult and the snow covered the tracks, but they trusted each other.Sl: Ko sta končno zagledala skupino učencev in učiteljico, ki je že bila pripravljena na odhod, sta oba globoko oddahnila.En: When they finally saw the group of students and the teacher, who were already ready to leave, they both sighed deeply.Sl: Matej in Ana sta se nerodno nasmehnila učiteljici, ki je bila vidno zaskrbljena, a hkrati olajšana, da sta varno nazaj.En: Matej and Ana awkwardly smiled at the teacher, who was visibly worried but relieved that they were safely back.Sl: "Tako sem vesela, da sta v redu," je rekla učiteljica.En: "I'm so glad you're both okay," the teacher said.Sl: Matej je sklonil glavo, zavedajoč se, da so pravila včasih tukaj z razlogom.En: Matej bowed his head, realizing that sometimes rules are there for a reason.Sl: Ana je obdržala svoj običajni nasmeh, a z utripom poguma v sebi, da lahko, kadar je nujno, prevzame vodstvo.En: Ana maintained her usual smile, but with a hint of courage inside her, knowing that when necessary, she could take the lead.Sl: Trikraljev narodni park je ...