Content note: This episode discusses suicide and abuse.
Are therapists crisis workers? We believe that the role of the therapist and the role of the crisis worker are distinct, yet, in certain situations, we can still find ourselves pulled into that role. In this episode, we break down the crucial differences between emergencies, crises, and general distress, and explore where our responsibilities begin and end in a private practice setting. We discuss why it's essential to connect clients to appropriate crisis resources, the scope of our work as therapists, and what might be driving the urge to step in during critical moments.
Are you clear on your own boundaries when it comes to crisis management, or do you sometimes blur the lines?
Remember, we're speaking from the context of private practice in BC, Canada. Make sure to consult your own licensing body and legal requirements in your jurisdiction. This episode is not a substitute for supervision or legal advice, but rather a list of things to consider when navigating these complex situations.
Join us on February 26, 2025 from 6–8 PM Pacific for a live virtual workshop, Growing Into Your Own As a Therapist. Bonus Q+A at the end. We hope to see you there!
Sign up now on Eventbrite!