Did you know that a depressed brain looks significantly different than a “normal” brain when scanned? Or that over 70% of the serotonin produced in your body is made in your gut? Depression and anxiety take a heavy toll on the brain and the body but no worries, Brain Lady Julie is here to guide you through what is happening in your brain and how to help it.
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Do you have a great question or topic you'd like Brain Lady Julie to cover? Think you'd be a great guest? Message our producer Kelli@BrainLadySpeaker.com and let us know.
PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this podcast is not at any time and for any reason meant to replace the guidance and/or treatment of any health professional. Whether it be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or anyone in the medical field. If you are under the care of such a health professional, remember this is an “added value” and not designed to replace any care you are currently under.