• American Psychosis: a metaphorical K-hole in Manhattan.
    Dec 1 2024


    PART 1 of my 3 part PSYCHOSIS SERIES. Jordan was a successful young dude in Manhattan taking risks and living the dream and somehow straddling the aspiring artist crowd and the aspiring Patrick Batemans. He shares openly about his traumatizing psychotic breaks, so severe that they mimic the psychedelic ego death sought after by aspiring Patrick Batemans in rustic luxury resorts in Latin America. He eventually left all his invaluable possessions in New York for Miami and the rest is...history covered in this podcast...

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    21 mins
  • Dr. Scott Fisher: The Psychedelic Psychiatrist of The Subtropics
    Dec 1 2024

    This is a great episode!!! *yes...sorry, I posted this yesterday, but I couldn't move beyond the tiny glitch at the beginning. I replaced it with a reel, and everyone can deal. and cheel.

    Special Guest Dr. Scott Fisher, a South Florida psychiatrist specializing in psychedelic research and the support, psychotherapy, and integration elements of psychedelic healing experiences.

    I describe my ego death experiences. hehe. One during a suicidal bipolar tropical depression.

    Dr. Fisher joins me for an in-person video podcast to discuss psychedelics and mental health, healing trauma, progressive thoughts on mental illness + the DSM, the role of psychedelics in mental healthcare and the clinical method for psychedelic treatment, among other things.

    (to participate in psychedelic clinical trials in South Florida) ⁠⁠https://www.segaltrials.com/⁠psychedelics⁠

    (guest) https://instagram.com/drscottfisher/

    (host) https://instagram.com/hollyhearingthings/

    (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Support) ⁠https://maps.org/homepage/⁠

    (Segal Clinical Trials main page) ⁠https://www.segaltrials.com/⁠

    a "cause" tangential to 5-MeO-DMT that I am passionate about: https://tucsonherpsociety.org/sdtf/

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    38 mins
  • What is The Cure?!: Thoughts Upon Discharge from the Psych Ward
    Dec 1 2024
    Details of my most recent hospitalization (released yesterday). And some thoughts, delivered on the occasion of reflection, on personal accountability and responsibility. We must manage ourselves through acute self-awareness and hard-to-swallow pills in various forms. Manic episode switched into dysphoric suicidal ideation, charged by medication non-compliance and triggers. Bipolar affective/schizoaffective bipolar type lyfe.
    Show more Show less
    18 mins
  • Satan’s Goddess Transyldelic Retreat
    Dec 1 2023
    Update on that psychotic manic bipolar life + my two spoken word to music tracks: Direct Messages too real sexual + demonic demonizing woman eyes sing Satan’s Goddess Psychedelic Retreat in Transylvania Holly Hurricane in Miami recovering from the flu ready to fly into art basel wearing some crazy ass shit. Oops I entered the wrong version of one of my things in the last one! Sorry. Choose your own adventure. https://on.soundcloud.com/sBwZT https://instagram.com/hollyhearingthings/
    Show more Show less
    25 mins
  • How EMDR is Changing My Life + My Brain
    Oct 18 2023

    EMDR is changing my life and my brain. Following my first EMDR short episode and my lighthearted episode on Fearful Avoidant Attachment, here is a brief in-depth description of the process and neurobiological mechanisms at play during therapy. Topics include preparation for EMDR, specifics of a session and the brain changes happening and why it won't work for some people. I do not have Borderline Personality Disorder, which can be a roadblock with EMDR. I have Bipolar Disorder Type 1 and Complex PTSD.


    previous two are the two episodes below this one lol


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    11 mins
  • Fearful Avoidant Attachment: Thoughts Delivered on an Ecliptical Occasion
    Oct 14 2023

    People were asking about fearful avoidant attachment after listening to the EMDR episode. Here you go: rainy day activity 8 minutes including a ridiculous literary quote about hugging FA may "get".

    One little part is taken from my episode "What is The Cure? Thoughts Upon Discharge From the Psych Ward." because it applies here and that's a good episode (Spotify link below or find it on your own)


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    8 mins
  • My EMDR: The Neverending Story of Childhood Trauma
    Oct 12 2023

    Details of my first EMDR therapy session: how it works.

    A bit of philosophical/psychoanalytic analysis of children's fantasy movie The Neverending Story (1984) and its place in my EMDR and life lol

    Disorganized Attachment/Fearful Avoidant Attachment

    CBT thought stopping

    Emotional Neglect + Abuse



    The Neverending Story free full movie: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gen0y

    Show more Show less
    15 mins
  • The Psychedelic Psychiatrist Part 2: What is Depression?
    Sep 29 2023

    **Timestamps and links below** The return of the psychedelic psychiatrist, Dr. Scott Fisher. How can psychedelics alleviate the symptoms of depression and what is depression? Find Part 1 if you missed it (June 2023). It's really good! Host Holly (Hurricane) took psilocybin the day before recording. If you're in South Florida you can apply to participate in future trials (link below). Timestamps below.






    (00:00) intro

    (01:05) What is Depression?

    (05:56) "I took psilocybin yesterday." + psychedelic trials

    (08:39) psychedelic journey + possibilities

    (16:16) psychedelics + psychotherapy interventions

    (19:30) upcoming psychedelic clinical trials + ending

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    25 mins