Mark Barnes was born in Buffalo, NY on April 19, 1961. His immediate family was always very creative through either music or art. Mark’s Grandmother played Piano at various movie houses for the silent films in the 20's and 30’s. His Father and Mother were musically and artistically inclined respectively. Mark has been playing the Piano since the age of 3 and was always a terror to his piano teachers, never wanting to play the lesson but always wanting to feel the music instead and play what was inside his head. When he was 12, his mother finally signed his sister and Mark up for Guitar lessons. Although Mark had no interest in playing the guitar and did not feel this would be of any benefit, the instructor worked with them for 6 months. He was teaching us guitar chords, my sister the guitar and for Mark, the relationship of the guitar and their chords to the piano. It was great and Mark credits him with helping him to understand how to play out his emotions and feelings. Mark composed his first Ballad at age 15 for his father. It was funny as his dad always called Mark "The professor." Mark always thought that would somehow become his nickname, but Mark’s friends were always calling him “Barnsey,” and that’s what stuck. Mark loves to travel extensively and finds the most relaxing vacation to be a cruise. Mark really enjoys working with other musicians and finds that its helps create a very emotional edge about his music. It is the one place in which Mark can truly express all of his tears, fears, laughter and love for all of those around him. Mark feels “Music is the window to the soul. Put your negative emotions into being creative and never take them out on another human being.” Mark was always the realist when he was younger. He wanted to enter the music field but never felt the right timing then and thought that in such a competitive field and with all of these other wonderful musicians out there that he would never stand a chance. So thus, Mark went into financial business for himself and has run numerous successful mortgage banking and mortgage lending firms for the last 24 years, moving to Florida in the process. He continues to compose and play new music for the people who matter most in his life, which is his family & friends. Funny how times change, and the Internet was probably the biggest catalyst in that change for the music industry. It has brought us so much closer and has given us all a real gift. Mark has to say setting up his MySpace personal and music page was the most positive experience of his musical life. It had allowed him to meet some very wonderful talented musicians, singers and artists of all walks of life and share their talents with each other and the public (their fans). It had inspired Mark to realize that it does not matter how old one is or where one is in life, good music and the arts should play an important role in everyone's existence. Mark has new found inspirations since his mom’s passing, and the emotional well just keeps pouring out new songs weekly. That combined with all of the new people has met, been exposed to and inspired by, has allowed him to open himself to listening and composing all types and styles of music. Out of this entire experience and most of all, Mark Barnes looks forward to continue composing and writing new music and playing them….just for you! #markbarnes #music #songwriter #artist Georgette Website: Instagram: Facebook: Mark Website: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Junk to Jewels podcast was inspired by Georgette Beck's first book, Junk to Jewels, A Journey from Brokenness and Despair to Beauty and Delight. Junk to Jewels podcast with Georgette Beck will inspire, educate, encourage, motivate, and give hope to listeners as they heal from their past, in the present, for their future. Georgette is not afraid to share her heart with listeners, for heart matters, truly matter! All heart matters come up for discussion, including healing from divorce, loss of loss, abandonment, rejection, insecurity, self-esteem, remarriage, blended families, stepparenting, suicide, abortion, life purpose, faith, disappointment, depression, happiness, joy, hope, grief, sorrow, health, and many other topics. Episodes include stories from Georgette’s life, helpful affirmations, scriptures and quotes, wisdom gleaned from other authors and their books, and featured guest speakers who share their own junk to jewels stories. We invite you to join our community by downloading and subscribing. And we encourage you to submit a review and share with friends. Do you have an inspiring story to share? Maybe you would like to be a guest for a future...