You’ve just felt two planetary ingresses that have shifted the collective mood with the Sun entering the lively cerebral consciousness of Gemini on Friday, May 20 and its ruler Mercury retrograding back to practical communications of Taurus on Sunday, May 22.
Now it’s Tuesday, May 24 and the Moon emerges from the collective waters of Pisces as it enters Aries at 2:39pm PDT/5:39pm EDT/9:39pm GMT just before Mars enters Aries, its planetary ruler, less than two hours later.
Listen to the full episdode and hear what went on the last time Mars was in Aries and how this time, it's even hotter energy with its conjunction with Jupiter, this Thursday.
If you’d like to learn more about what I offer as an astrologer, hypnotherapist, and intuitive coach, join me on Here are the aspects for the next couple of days: Tuesday, May 24
Moon enters Aries at 2:39pm PDT/5:39pm EDT/9:39pm GMT
Mars enters Aries at 4:17pm PDT/5:39pm EDT/11:17pm GMT
Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter at 7:27pm PDT/10:27pm EDT/2:27am GMT
Moon in Aries sextile Sun in Gemini at 10:03pm PDT/1:03am EDT/5:03am GMT
Wednesday, May 25
Mercury in Taurus sextile Pluto in Capricorn at 2:49pm PDT/5:49pm EDT/9:49pm GMT
Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron at 7:05pm PDT/10:05pm EDT/2:05am GMT
Thursday, May 26
Moon in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius at 2:06pm PDT/5:06pm EDT/9:06pm GMT
Moon in Aries conjunct Venus in Aries at 8:00pm PDT/11:00pm PDT/3:00am GMT
Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn at 8:20pm PDT/11:20pm EDT/3:20am GMT
Moon enters Taurus at 11:22pm PDT/2:22am EDT/6:22am GMT
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