Feeling burnt out by the pressure to CONSTANTLY hustle? Exhausted by the "never enough" monster? We feel you, BEEN THERE -- Fear No Ego's got your back! Join certified life coach and host Lexi Roberts-Bates and her hilarious husband and co-host Shawn Bates as they dig into the common but unhealthy hustle culture path with special guest Paul Blanchard, founder of Whole Body Mindset, somatic mapmaker and coach, and the Yoda of healthy mindsets (seriously, he's that good!). Discover more behind why you're feeling certain ways when it comes to success, momentum, and your passion! Find out how to reignite your passion, build a healthy work-life balance with your dreams and surroundings, and rewrite success on YOUR terms. It's time to stop busting a hustle muscle just to survive, and start thriving in building the life YOU want! Hit play and get ready to Fear No Ego (or that inner voice saying you ONLY win by hustling 24/7).