The recording starts in mid-morning on a nature trail 30 kilometers out of Nairobi City County. I stopped briefly at several spots along the trail to pick new sounds.
Morning bird songs are distinct from the afternoon and evening songs, even if they are the same birds. The variations depend how the day has turned out for each bird species.
For some it is the weather, others it is the food, for others it is noise pollution, and to others it is the peace of the day and so forth. But mostly, it is song, grooming, scrouging for food and general camaraderie.
Animals and human beings also respond to the complex magnitude of these compositions. Some will fall asleep or just blank out in an unwind latitude.
For some, it is only then does peace like a river flow. It is then that the spirits are uplifted, and creativity unlocked from the deep recesses of our subconscious minds. They are healing sounds.
The recording ends in a farm and specifically adjacent to a poultry compound. Different birds came and perched on some trees next to where I had taken shelter.
Some birds stayed briefly and left. But one bird tarried a little bit, and the richness of that one bird's composition lulled even the chicken to a slumber, myself not withstanding.
And so my day was made. Enjoy the show