Nicole, a vibrant mother of four children pants for a living. As a painter, balance, and precision are essential in her profession. One day she started to have headaches. Since she was under a lot of stress, she initially thought they were stress headaches. She tried to manage the pain but, it grew worse. Soon afterward, she developed a wooshing sound in her along with extreme nausea and vomiting. She went to clinician after clinician, with the same response, "Your arteriovenous malformation (AVM) condition is inoperable." On one hand, there were prayers and determination. On the other hand, there was the reality check of probable stroke which might be fatal. Her determination kept her talking about her health to everyone seeking a solution. As a result, a customer overheard her conversation and recommended contacting her sons' physician, Dr. Patel in Boston. Nicole was unable to fly with AVM, so she and her mother drove 16 hours to Boston. Twenty-four hours later, Nicole was AVM free. Join us tonight on the Movcing Forward Podcast for Nicole's heroic story of faith and determination.