Original Post
My "home" away from HOME
Hello City - reporting LIVE from San Francisco
MAR 25, 2023
I’m so glad I got to San Francisco a few days before my third quarter at Medill starts. It has been a beautiful first few days and I realize just how much I love it here!
I Left My Heart In San Francisco
Song by Tony Bennett The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gay The glory that was Rome is of another day I've been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan I'm going home to my city by the Bay I left my heart in San Francisco High on a hill, it calls to me To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars…
San Francisco is a great place for anyone who wants to record their travels with photos. You can get lost documenting your time here and then all of a sudden you realize all the history that has happened right where you are standing.
I wasn’t aware when it when I booked it, but I’m staying in one of the apartment buildings that writer - Dashiell Hammett resided in while he wrote the The Maltese Falcon.
To me, San Francisco is America’s version of Paris. I am sure that could start an interesting debate, but I welcome that conversation.
It is romantic, fueled by coffee, cocktails, colorful surroundings and people. When I am here I love to hang out at City Lights Bookstore, just like when I am in Paris I spend time at Shakespeare and Company. Then I take the inspiration I find by perusing oodles of books and words and walk. Yet, in San Fransisco every walk is a cardio event just like the amount of stairs in my last Montmartre apartment. ;) The hills are REAL and your glutes and hamstrings will feel it at then end of your day. Don’t worry Pilates friends at Heat 3.0, I am still getting my workouts in!
Sunshine is calling and I am off to find more inspiration - Enjoy your weekend.
More Later!