Ep #45: You wanna talk about prepping. You want to talk about being peppered. Then you go to bring it up, and the myths people believe, the lies they have been told, and the misinformation coming from those who'd rather have the country be dependent on them for survival than have citizens able to take care of themselves, their loved ones, and their community - well, it practically closes their ears and shuts them down before you even get to the good parts.
You know, like, have water and food for everyone in your house for a week. Have a way to start a fire when it is wet. Run straight at bears and alligators because why not?!
In this episode, I will laugh at, with, and about some of the most popular myths I found on the inter-webs as I researched this topic.
Sit by the fire with me. This is gonna make you laugh...well, at least it did me.
When you’re ready to build the skills, network, and confidence to be prepared for whatever comes next, join us at AmericanContingency.com. We’re here when you’re ready. We’ll keep the fire going for you so you can find your way.