Negative Self Talk. Where ever you are on your journey welcome to Personally Driven Podcast at
#ThrowbackThursday Episode
Remember saying or hearing this as a kid? Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
Lies they tell. Words do hurt. Negative self talk can do some major damage. Talking to yourself in a negative way could cause anxiety, depression and lower your self esteem.
Words are powerful and can impact your life in a big way. Negative words can make you feel stuck, anxious and fearful. Whereas positive words can shift your mindset, improve your overall wellbeing and reduce stress.
In this episode learn the main cause of negative self talk. Why we're so negative a lot of the times. How we can train our brains to not be so negative.
Jacqui is sharing experiences and insights on this fascinating topic. Share tips and techniques to talk about ourselves in a positive way naturally. So you can live a more peace, freedom and balance in your life.
Whether you do negative self talk or know someone that always talking negative, this episode is for you. So tune in and discover the power of positivity.
Thanks for listening!
Question: What are you grateful for?
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Date: May 23, 2022
Cardology Birth Card 9♣️
Card Interpretation: Completion, graduation, intelligent, insightful, great communicator.
Gratitude Affirmation: I am grateful for having learned lessons, gained insight to share and help others.
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